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Things have been going well for me for the most part except I have sooooooooo much Gas. And I thought I was taking precauctions.

Before each meal, I take 3 tablets of Beano. That's right four.

In the morning, I take VSL # 3, powder form, in Rice Milk, and drink this with my breakfast.

But when I have to have a BM, I constantly have to pass so much Gas. I mean a of Gas. They are louc and its like an explosion. I am not saying this to be funny, its a fact. The problem is that before I leave to go home from work, I make sure I go to the bathroom and pass as much BM and Gas as possible.

Problems may occur when I have to pass Gas on the way home. Not a BM, just Gas and I can't do it while I drive beause I will wet myself.

At the moment, I am able to pass Gas, however, there have been way too many times that I am unable to pass Gas and then I am miserable with pain.

I only started VSL # 3 back in October.

Any help will be appreaciated on what I can do.

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Some things to consider:
1) Is the Beano helping you at all? It would only take a day or so to find out.
2) When did the extreme gassiness start? Did anything else change around the same time?
3) Have you tried carefully exploring dietary changes? A low-gas diet, at least for a few days?
4) I completely understand why you can't deal with this while driving. My experience is the same, as is, I suspect, that of many others here.
5) Is this why your screen name is "Rocket?"

I don't even want to try and not take Beano. I try to avoid foods that have gas. I can't even eat salad anymore so I stay away from uncooked veggies. The only veggies I do eat are carrots, parsnips (very rare), asparagus (rarely), artichokes, and potatoes.

I probably should stay away from tomatoes. That is the only thing I eat that is not cooked.

No raw fruit either except watermelon.

My GI has me on a low residue diet which for the most part, I follow.

What worries me is everytime I have so much gas, then suddenly I can's pass it. THen I wait too long before I see the doctor and I have pouchitis. which will last 2 to 3 months. However, now I see my doctor every 6 weeks, rather then twice a year. Its worth the pease of mind.
No, Rocket is a name i used to have growing up. I am one of 5 siblings and my team, my younger brother and I, vs my older brother and two of my sisters. My team was known as the Red Rockets ( made that name up), although my younger brother protested but who could blame him. We used to play touch football, especially in the snow. And the snow was at least a foot deep.

Have you thought about whether or not you have a food intolerance? This is what it sounds like you have to me. You mention that you have tried a low residue diet and that you have been eliminating various vegetables, but you don't mention whether or not you have tried any true elimination diets. That would be my recommendation. Also, if the VL3 isn't helping I would stop taking that if you do decide to do an elimnation diet so that you aren't adding in one more variable. My husband, who has his colon, had frequent painful bouts with gas and we had to do this until we were able to figure out what was causing his issues.
Thank you all for your responses.

I do not have any dairy at all. The milk I drink is Rice Milk and if I want Ice Cream, they have Rice Dream which contains no Dairy.

Don't know by a test if I am Lactose Intolerance but historically, milk products were always a problem for me once I was diagnosed with UC. Lactaid never worked for me either.

The only cheese I will eat is Grated Cheese like Parm, or Romano. I also have butter or margerine, but not every day. I also have an egg in the morning, probably once a day for the most part because my Nutrionist told me I was not getting enough protein in my diet.

I tend to bring my lunch to work for the most part because its too expensive for one, and secondly, I know don't know what cafeteria uses in their ingrediants.

I'm not sure if VSL # 3 is helping or not and the reason I take it is because many on this board had much sucess on it and when they experience pouchitis, it either does not last as long, or they have not gotten pouchitis for many years. I tend to get pouchitis at least once a year which has lasted at least 2 months.

Elimination Diet I have not done any research on that so I will investigate.

Thanks again.

Hi Rocket
I am 6 months post out and I too deal with the wonders of gas, and all the things that go with it like the blotting and the pain. I am not lucky enough to get VSL because I live in Canada but I do take a high dose of probiotics and in the last month I started taking digestive enzymes which really seem to help. I have noticed a big difference in the gas production. I take one along with the probiotics just before each meal and it seems to be working. I tried the Beano and it did not do anything for me but the digestive enzymes seem to. Maybe there are different types of digestive enzymes out there and you need to find the one that is right for you??? I take the Prairie Naturals which has a blend of
different enzymes that deal with the whole range of foods like protein, carbs,fat and fibre.
Just a thought. Good luck
I'm wondering if the reason I have so much gas is I don't have a colon anymore.

I too have had more gas since my colectomy than before. As someone else on this forum once mentioned, it's possible that we have the same amount of gas we did when we had our colons, but now there is just less place for it to go, hence we are far more aware of it. I admit that gas has been one of my more annoying issues since having the pouch, though it comes and goes and doesn't always seem to be dependent on what I eat.
Oh God I know what you mean regarding the amount of gas, I suffer so much with it and nothing seems to help, sometimes the pains from it are so uncomfortable and when you go to the toilet and get rid of some and then you feel like you have to go again and you can't let it out incase you follow through, I sometimes find that as soon as i have been to the toilet and after i clean myself i lay on the floor on my tummy and usually you can get away with passing some without following through, Its so hard and I find the gas the worse thing about it.
I swear that I have so much GAS, that I could fill up a baloon as large as the Hindengburg that crashed in New Jersey in the 1930's.

And the noise it makes is like gun fire going off. One time at work, it came out so loud and so long and so many, like pop, pop, pop that the guy in the next stall yells "Jesus Christ."

I have that same exact problem. I am always embarrassed to go to the bathroom with people around me because it is like you said EXPLOSIVE. One trick that helped me that a fellow poucher told me was to take Pepto-Bismol tablets before you eat. For some reason this gets rid of gas because it has a small amount of a broad spectrum antibiotic. Good luck!

I will do that. I will buy some Pepto-Bismol and give that a shot.

I spoke to my doctor yesterday who told me for the time being, eat a bland diet, no pasta either. Eat Glueteen free. Continue to take the Canessa Suppositories and VSL # 3.

I told him I hadn't take the Canessa at night because for the last 3 nights, I have been getting up 4 times during the night to have a BM. I'm exhausted and very tired. I am at work now, and once again, I have to go to my car or the Library and try to take a nap.


No need to apologize regarding the guy in the next stall. That particular incident happened at least 12 years ago and I remember not soon after, a friend of mine who also worked at the same company as me, I told him that very same story. He had one woman work for him. Anyway, when I told that story, they laughed so loud that the woman said she almost pee in her pants.

To me, it sounds like the VSL#3 is not doing what it is supposed to. Just like everything else, not everyone tolerates it and it does not work for everyone. If you've given it a good 1-3 months with no positive results, I'd stop it. Most gas is from bacterial action on undigested food. So knowing that, the strategy is to either increase digestion by eating foods you know are safe for you, or reducing the gas causing bacteria.

Some people get good results with digestive enzyme supplements.

Some people get good results with probiotics. I'd stop the VSL and try something else for a month or so. Why spend all that money if it is not working, or possibly making things worse? Some people get terrible gas with it. I experimented a lot before I settled on Align and S. boulardii.

Pepto Bismol may help too (generic is fine), as it has mild antibiotic properties. It is also possible you ave small bowel bacterial overgrowth without pouchitis. If the gas is gone or very diminished when on antibiotics, that is a clue. You may just need periodic courses of Flagyl or Cipro to keep it under control. That's what I do when it becomes too much for me.

You can't get rid of it all, but you should be able to function.

Jan Smiler

Its been like this for about 6 days but unlike in the past, I called my doctor yesterday who told me to stick to a bland diet for the moment and take Canasa Suppository's which are 1,000 mg. I see him now every 6 weeks. I had not taken this a night for the last 8 or 9 days so shame on me. But Monday-Wednesday night, I got up 4 times to have a watery BM.

Last night I got up twice. But I am so very tired and am at work.

For me, because of my medical plan, I get the VSL # 3, powder form, through the mail and pay $15 dollars for two boxes which is 60 packets. Its actually cheaper for me then to buy other probioctics. It comes delivered in ice packs to keep it cold.

Am I taking it right? I take one packet with a small glass of Rice Milk before I eat breakfast.

This VSL # 3 I got a prescription from a GI who works with Nutrion. My GI does not believe in Probioctics. He did give me a script of VSL # 3 in a pill form though since I brought it up the last time I saw him in December. At that time, everything looked fine in my pouch. I mentioned Probioctics before and he does not believe in them so that is why I went and saw the other GI. Originally, they had a GI Nutrionist GI but she was let go for no reason given to me.

Small bowel bacterial overgrowth without pouchitis I was never told I have that. I did have some tests done from my GI Nutrionist and you drink some stuff and then you breath into this tube and that brings all differnet kinds of results and that was not detected.

I take now Activiated Charcol which helps with the digestion. What is this S. boulardii? Is that a prescription?

I seem to get Pouchitis at least once a year, at least for the last 3 years. I make the mistake of waiting before I call my doctor, sometimes as long as a month then it really gets bad. Each time, the only thing that worked is Flagyl and Cipro.

Thanks Jan
Sounds like you had the breath test. If it was negative, no bacterial overgrowth. I mention the VSL because severe gas is one of the side effects. You can try reducing he dose way down (1/2 or 1/4 packet), then gradually increasing to a full packet. Seems like you are taking it correctly. My point was that nothing works all the time for everyone, and not everyone tolerates it. You just have to be willing to experiment. S. boulardii is not prescription.

Another strategy is to drastically reduce your carbs, since most gas is from bacteria acting upon undigested carbs. It is one of the reasons I can't take Metamucil. My surgeon had me on it 4 times a day after surgery. Live and learn...

As to the pouchitis, I keep a bottle of Flagyl on hand all the time. I don't call the doctor, but just begin treatment once I am sure it s pouchitis. My doc has refills on it, so I don't have to play that game. I just report to him from time to time by email and when I go n for my scopes. I'd go nuts if I had to see him very six weeks! But, whatever works for you.

Jan Smiler

Thanks for the advice. I will try and cut back on my VSL # 3. I do eat a lot of carbs, especially since I am Italian and love pasta.

I don't eat any raw veggies either and normally i have to stay on a low residue diet. I can't say I live that way all the time. I mean I love Mexican food too, I just don't eat it that oftern and only eat it if I am really feeling good with no complications afterwards.

I like that idea of have a script of Flagyl on hand at all times. I am supposed to see him again on January 30th and ask him.

Today, for the first time since last Saturday, I haven't gone to the bathroom as often nor do I have as much gas but I am also being extremeley careful and only had a protein shake for lunch.

You always give the best advice on this board and many of us appreciate what you do.

NFL is over for me this year. My Giants didn't make it. Who will win this weekend, Packers or 49'ers? My only victory for the Super Bowel will be if I win the pool and/or the Patriots are not in it.

I am Italiano too. Raised on pasta and love the carbs and spicy food. But, since my husband and I are now type 2 diabetics (his is worse than mine), we have learned to reduce those much loved carbs A LOT. Plus, when we were on our medical weight management diet (each lost over 60 pounds), we learned how little you really need to live well. Hard to stick with, since we have hearty appetites. Diarrhea and gas doesn't really even slow me down.

But, the point is that when we were on those boring shakes and protein bars, my output and gas drastically reduced, so there is a connection... I do not get gas from vegetables (unless you are counting potatoes, corn, and peas- which are all high carb).

Jan Smiler
Hi Jan,

Where do I get "S. boulardii?" I have seen this on other posts but don't know what it is. I was in the super market tonight and they didn't have it."

Secondly, someone also said to take Pepto Bismal Chewables before you eat. Is that the right thing to do?

I don't take Imodium unless I have to. I see some take it every day.

I really want to find a Nutrionist who knows about the GI problems. Its too bad the one I found in Flemington mysteriously left after I saw her for one visit.

The only veggies I eat are Parsnips (very rarely), asparagus, artichokes which I love, backed potato without the skin, mashed potatos without the MILK, but use Olive Oil), Green Beans, Garlic, zuchiini, White Rice, Onions, Tomatoe (only the yellow ones because they are less acid). Again, I don;'t have these every day. I love eggplant but because of the seeds, for the most part, I stay away.

Now when I am feeling great, none of the veggies I listed bother me.

I have no dairy products other then grated parm or romano cheese.

Meats I can eat just about all meat, chicken, Turkey, Burgers (low fat - I actually love Buffalo Burgers as they are more healthy and less fatty then Turkey), Sweet Italian Sausage.

Then I have Rice Milk, Rice Ice Cream and Sorbet, butter margerines and pouched eggs.

white bread, Rolls, Peanut Butter - Creamy kind because I was not getting enough protein, jelly. And because I don't have a colon, I love things with salt, like pretzals and chips.

However, I won't even look at pretzals now because my gut is so sensitive.


What kind of Digestion Enzyme do you take? I clicked on that and there are a bunch of names. One is called Ultra-Enzyme Support. It has the following:

New Improved Ultra-Enzyme Support ® !
Same great formula now with 2 more enzymes.
One for helping digest gluten and one for digesting wheat protien
Now with 19 broad spectrum enzymes for complete digestive support
Supports regularity and bowel function
Soothes effects of occasional heartburn
Enzymes are essential nutrients for life
Helps digest food and nourish the immune system
Vegetarian based not pancreatic from slaughter house animals

I get my S. boulardii from (Jarrows). I don't take digestive enzymes, never have. I just mentioned it because some people see a benefit from it. I'm one of those who take Imodium daily. Been doing so for 17+ years. I take half as much as I used to, but still don't like my function without it.

I don't know that you need chewable Pepto Bismol. You can try the caplets first and see. Chewables are more expensive and taste funny (at least I think so).

Your diet seems fine, but you may want to try reducing your carbs by half. You may then find you are more tolerant of more variety. But, whatever floats your boat. There really are no rules.

Jan Smiler
Last edited by Jan Dollar
Hi Jan,

One last question. I am currently taking VSL #3 packets a Probioctic which has 450 billion live bacteria.

The S Boulardii, a Probioctic that has another 5 billion per capsule. I think if I remember correctly, and correct me if I am wrong, you take Align Probioctic.

Does the S Boulardii have something additional to most of the other probioctics do not have?

I am just concerned because I don't want to take something that may cause additional Gas. Before I order the Boulardii, I just want to make sure I am not taking too much Probioctics.

Thank you.

S. boulardii is different because it is a yeast, not bacteria. It is has been shown to be useful in treatment of infections of C. difficile, H. pylori, and travelers diarrhea. It is not included in VSL#3. Whether you need it or not, I have no idea. And sure, it could cause more gas. Again, varies by each individual.

Here is a medical journal article that reviews it:

Jan Smiler

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