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Lee Ann,
Although I have a k pouch and not a J pouch (same pouch different exit strategy) I have lived on a modified Atkins diet for the last 30 yrs...I used to give myself 1 carb day a week where I would eat my bread or pasta etc but for the rest of the week it was coffee+juice+vitamins for breakfast and lunch/dinner was a protien (beef, fish, chicken, dairy, soya...) + salads or cooked green veggies and my fruits were usually at 4 or 5 pm...for my pouch it was a good deal and worked wonderfully...once I was stabalised I could give myself 1 protine meal and 1 carb meal a day (breakfast is always liquids for me because I really need to empty out my pouch completely in the mornings)...My pouch loves this lifestyle and works well with it...I have periods of time when I just need to live off of carbs or soups or pasta but once the period is over I automatically go back to it...that said, a k pouch needs to keep things liquidy but a J pouch needs things thicker so you may need to have a stool thickener thrown into the mix (metamucil?)...
Good luck no matter what you do...

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