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Hello everyone. I'm glad to have found this group and am looking forward to whatever advice I can get. I'm gearing for my second surgery, which will be the j-pouch reconstruction and loop ileostomy formation step. On other forums that I participate in, I have not found a lot of information on what the recovery from the second surgery is like (mostly I have found stories of people who have had the 2 step surgery). My recovery from my first surgery, the colectomy, was pretty quick--I was off pain meds and getting up and about by about two and a half weeks after surgery. My doctor told me that while the surgical procedure for this one is more complicated, I might actually find recovery easier.

For those of you who have gotten a j-pouch in a three step procedure, how did you think it compared with the first surgery? How would you compare the pain? Did you notice differences between the first ileostomy versus the loop ileostomy?

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!
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The second surgery was much easier for me, but the first surgery was emergency surgery due to toxic megacolon. So I don't think my situation would be indicative of the norm.

For me, the difference between an end and a loop ileo is the difference between good and evil. That loop ileo was just naughty. However, not everyone has a naughty loop ileo. Hopefully you're one of them.

kathy Big Grin
For me, the second surgery was by far the more difficult one to recover from. They spent a lot of extra time removing adhesions - this may (or may not) have been part of the problem. Also, I felt much better going into Surgery #2 than I did for Surgery #1, so didn't get the same feeling of RELIEF as I did after Surgery #1.

Loop ileo was a bit more difficult than the end ileo. Liquid output was heavier (in quantity AND weight), and required more attention to staying hydrated. But remember - it's temporary!

Hope it all goes well for you ---
I think my second surgery was about the same as my first one recovery wise. I left the hospital after 3 days and had really bad back pain. Probably from the bed.The loop ileo was very difficult to manage compared to the end ileo because the stoma was flush with my stomach which made it hard to get a good seal on the wafer. I ended up having to use a convex wafer. The output was very watery and heavy no matter what I ate. And I had to empty it much more frequently. I hated the loop so much I had my third surgery exactly three months after the second one. I would have done it sooner but the Surgeon wouldn't let me. Hope this helps and good luck to you.

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