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I was wondering what other people's patterns of weight loss/gain are like? Obviously everyone's different (my mantra in life), but as a wee skinny thing, I find it frighteningly easy to lose weight, but very, very hard to put it back on. For example, I'm just back from a Christmas holiday abroad, and I lost half a stone in 10 days. I know it will take several weeks to regain that, and I will have to eat solidly for most of that time to make sure I do! Is this the same for anyone else?

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I don't mean so much specifically as a consequence of recent surgery - I meant it more as a general day-to-day living with your pouch. (I lost three stone in hospital, but that was eight years ago, and I'm back to my normal weight now. I just meant because of the pouch, the weight tends to drop off very quickly if, for example, I miss a meal.)

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