Guess what happened this morning, AGAIN? I don't get it, I can't see Dr Cohen until he's back from the holidays on Jan 17th, and my valve is a complete mystery. I faithfully empty it every 3-4 hours, even during the night. It leaks a certain amount of stool, but thankfully, not all, when I remove the stool soaked dressing, clean myself, I intubate. Every time it leaks, I'd estimate only about 30% comes out, the rest stays in the pouch, and I have one hell of a time trying to get the catheter in, as if my valve is twisted. Once I finally do get it to go in, I empty and flush out my pouch, and it's fine, never having leaked during the day. Misty, Dr Cohens nurse, says she's never heard of this before, yeah, thanks, that makes me feel so special! Out of the thousands of patients he and his associates see, I'm the only one with this? I am thankful it's not leaking in my waking hours, but poor Freddy (my hubby) is afraid I'm going to leak all over him, and I have no warning, nor control over it. I've completely leaked on him three times with my j pouch, and now twice with my k pouch, yet he still sleeps with me, now that's love! (He says it doesn't bother him, but it most certainly does me!). Personally, I believe, as I go through this journey, that two things are happening. My once twisted valve never fully straightened out, so when I lay on my side, it flops open when the pressure builds up in my pouch. Secondly, I suspect my pouchitis has returned, creating more gas and runny stool. Most of you know, I had chronic pouchitis with my j pouch, stands to reason it would return. I'll find out more when I see the doctor, oh, and Sharon honey, I tried as you suggested, I filled my pouch with as much water as I could. I squatted, layed on my sides, back and front, jumped up and down, even stood on my head, but to no avail, I could not get my valve to leak, furthering the mystery, stay tuned every one, and thanks,