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You might just have a problem digesting protiens??? Or your pouch you take any digestive enzymes? I usually eat a high protien diet with a lot of fluids so that my 'stuff' is rather runny and easy to get out through a tube (I have a k pouch) so I cannot understand why it does that to you...unless you are mixing animal protiens with carbohydrates (like bread and cheese or chicken and rice or steak and potatoes) some people have a harder time than others with the mix and do better with separating food is easier on their might want to try it that way and see if it works better for you...just the chicken or fish alone with not is an easy test. Try a chicken breast (not fried) and see if it is easier to empty afterwards (put about 2-3 hrs between the meat and carbs)...and you may wish to take a papaya suppliment at the same time.
Tom, I have no idea, especially since you say they are tiny amounts. You would think that tiny amounts of practically anything would have a negligible effect. So, my next question is, what is your definition of tiny?

Plus, protein and fat do slow digestion. Maybe, you are not eating enough of it and your body is trying to consume every molecule because it is missing it?

Have you tried ground meat, chicken, turkey, or beef? These are usually well tolerated. Being very low fat should not be a big deal if it is reasonably lean.

Jan Smiler
thanks guy. this is how ridiculous it is with or without my digest gold enzyme which seems to add to butt burn by the way. ok so i had a couple average miserable nights then at about 4 bites of swanson canned chicken. just chicken in salt water and fall apart tender and that night the "cant empties" tore me up then another average night with my cereal and yesterday tried !!!1 teaspoon!!! of dannon plain yogurt and tore up again. white flour foods are the only low residue/fiber plant food that does the same. feels like inflammation with throbbing etc but then ten minutes straining it just comes out easy as pie and very thin. you'd think im constipated but no. its almost like the pouch nerves havent figured out how to communicate with the sphincter but how could it discern what an animal food is? i hate being the worlds biggest puzzle...
What you are describing is what I get, but it is only if I eat more than a small fist size meal. I just assumed that is my new way of going. I never strain, just wait until it comes out which is either fluid or like you say very thin strips of whipped cream and burny.
I just thought it was because the J-Pouch is way smaller so holds a lot less than previously and I never empty everything out.

Take pain killers when the pouch is hurting, which stops the urge.

It really is difficult to know what is normal now. I sort of accept what I have got and stick to a basic BRATT diet.
Take down was late August this year. When my food comes out I can see by looking which of my meals it is and it takes 4 or 5 emptyings within about 45 minutes for it to come through. When it comes out thin and ribbony it is excatly like having UC again. I sort of imagined it might come out like that because it is the size of the small bowel and just shoots through the pouch. Its difficult to know what to expect isn't it?
when i hear straining in conjunction with thin and ribbon like I immediately think some kind of narrowing or stricture. Have you had the tests to rule that out?

Chasingtime, whatever is going on with you is not right. As beat up and sick as you are I would encourage you to kick a little ass at your doctors on the next visit and demand some answers. Use phrases like 'this is not acceptable' until you get some tests done. If that doesn't work, find another doctor. If you haven't already, reach out through this board to people in your area for recommendations.

I know it probably seems like I'm being a little rough with you but you've been unwell for months now. The best nurse I ever had once told me that sometimes you need someone to hold your hand and sometimes you need a good kick in the ass. I typically suck at the first, but I'm pretty good with the later.

Good Luck
Just shows how there doesn't seem to be a normal. Eggs give me immediate liquid stinky output that shoots through.
I have been re-examined by my surgeon who says there is no stricture or abnormality there. Does anyone else out there still have the problems Chasingtime has? Wondering whether I should mention it to my Gastro Doc next visit. As I said, I assumed this was my new post pouch way of going to the loo.

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