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Is it just me or do others feel constantly dehydrated? This issue came up for me when I had my first bout of pouchitis a couple of weeks ago. I had pure liquid stools night and day for about 10 days and realised I was very dehydrated. I started taking electrolyte solution and felt much better. Now that the pouchitis has settled down I am still using the electrolyte solution as I do feel much better with it - more energy, my eyes aren't red all the time and less headaches. I work in an airconditioned environment which I am sure doesn't help. I do drink lots of water but there's only so much of that I can tolerate. I have started using Nuun tablets - just 1/2 tablet in 750ml of water which is about 1/3 of what the instructions say but I can't stand the taste of the full strength and find it nauseating.

Do others have the same problem? What do you use?
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I use NUUN too but some flavors more than others. What ever you are taking I think it will help. I use them daily and every time I get a headache I drink it, just to make sure.

If you are taking the "all day" ones I know what you mean. I'm using them up by mixing regular NUUN flavors with them. I use flavors that are similar and that helps.
When we went to mayo clinic. We learned about hydration and were educated how often people who struggle w dehydration and high output, aren't aware that water juices, and sports drinks often can do the opposite and I have been using the Oley foundation and there recipes
For oral rehydration. They talk about ways to dehydrate and hOw the right ratio
Sugar salt and water is needed and ratios in water sport drinks juices just are not manage output and ultimately dehydration. With consistent lomital, over counter anti diaherra and 1 liter or rehydration fluid I have seen how thIs is important to avoid dehydration. My partner is being treated like to has short bowel syndrome even though he doesn't trchniqucall at this time
Hi Kite,
I'm not having hydration problems anymore, I just think I might when I get my headaches. I was in the hospital 16 days after surgery #1 because I kept getting dehydrated and never want to get that way again!

I looked up the Oley foundation and see it's for those on TPN which is more difficult to manage hydration and all. Since we eat more varied diets from day to day I think I'll just stick to what's working. If anyone have serious problems it wouldn't hurt for you to look this group up.

Last edited by TE Marie
im always dehydrated no matter what i drink or do...plain water is the worst.
i have to water down everything i drink quite heavily but cant drink plain water, ever.

my favorite thing in the world is playing golf on a nice summer day.
cant play unless its below 65 due to my hydration needs.
if i didnt mind flying id move to ireland.
If you have ongoing problems with dehydration I would strongly suggest you get your urinary sodium levels checked. If its 20 or below you are dehydrated and sodium deplete. The way this is treated can vary from adjusting the type and volume of oral fluids to needing IV support. I ended up on IV fluids at home even though technically I dont have a 'short bowel' and should be able to absorb enough fluid and electrolytes I dont seem to be able to after my pouch surgery - getting my fluid and electrolyte levels sorted out has transformed the way I feel and what I can do.
Im also dehydrated all the time. Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night and drink everything i can get my hands on. This is so wierd but i havent been able to drink milk in soooo long. But I crave it sooo bad. I would wake up with the fridge open, drinking milk strait from the jug! Needless to say the next day was a bad one, every time!
I am always dehydrated so I drink juice, fake juice, diet soda, non fat milk and drink all the time. It has not hurt my health 7 years since takedown and all has always been well at check ups. What if you ate some salty stuff like spicy potato chips? During football practice in Arizona as a kid they made us eat salt tablets to coach the body to hold more H20? I like celry stalks, non fattening and I sprinkle salt on the celry , tastes better and helps me drin more. I live in hot south Louisiana so it is easy to sweat all your moisture away especially if you walk, work or garden outside 7 or 8 months of the year.

Just DRINK and you will WIN!

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