Not a silly question at all! I'm just going through it. On June 19th, I had my j pouch and rectum completely removed, and had a k pouch put in. And YES, the rectal pain, which was so bad I was in tears, is completely gone! I do however, get phantom rectal pains, sounds weird, but every once in a while, I'll get a jolt of pain as if my rectum was still there, it feels so strange, but then I remember I have no rectum (YES! The aliens will not be able to probe me, yahoo! Lol!). My current issue is valve leakage, but, in retrospect, even with the k pouch issues, it's NOTHING compared to the agony I suffered for years with my j pouch. I had chronic pouchitis and cuffitis, with killer rectal pain so bad I was crying, I rarely ever cry. I describe it as feeling like I was pooping out acid coated shards of glass. If you're unable to get rid of inflammation and pain, I'd highly recommend the K pouch, or BCIR. Yes, they have their problems too (as I'm discovering), but, I garuntee that it will forever cure the cuffitis and the horrible rectal pain. Keep us posted my friend, if you have any question, please, don't hesitate to PM me, I'm more then happy to help a fellow GI sufferer,