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so i have a thrombosed hemorrhoid and OUCH!!! my surgeon told me to add konsyl/metamucil and do warm baths often. im on night 3 and i simply cannot do the fiber anymore. ive gone from going 1 or 2 times during the day and 6 or 7 times in the evening to almost double that and its killing me. before i would go then a woosh of gas, now i go and the gas cant seem to get past the more formed stool so im always bloated to boot. i could really use some advice but for now i am discontinuing the fiber. i didnt think i could be more uncomfy a couple weeks ago. i was wrong Frowner ive had this thrombosed hemorrhoid about once a year for many years so im thinking it will go down like before and my surgeon agrees. could also use some experienced hemorrhoid people to chime in here. fiber does not seem helpful in fact just the opposite and i have to listen to my body. help folks, please...
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I'm sorry you're going through this, Tom. It sounds like that may have been a big part of the problem all along. Frowner And it sounds like maybe it has become a vicious cycle with the J-pouch stuff making the hemmie worse and making it more difficult for it to heal.

I do remember that in my UC days when I had them more frequently the really annoying part was it made me feel like I had to go all the time when really there was nothing there... but the straining made the hemmie worse and the hemmie made me want to strain more. (Do you ever bear down or strain while on the loo? If so, try not to because I know that only makes the hemorrhoid worse...)

But my hemmies back in the day were always pretty minor, and I haven't had my takedown yet, so I really can't offer any help on this topic. But just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way. I hope it dies down soon so you can get some relief. I have been following your story and am just waiting for the day when you're finally able to say that things are getting better.
thanks guys. i have strained in the past but not in a while. my butt burn began a couple weeks ago and i think that got the hemorrhoid going. the sad part is the konsyl fiber nullified my butt burn but the frequency is unbearable. feel like im in trouble either way. wasnt doing the baths in the past so maybe that will do the trick. hmmm, maybe ill cut the konsyl in half and only suffer half as bad. im gonna get there i just know it. holly, can you tell me more about your hem experience?

one more thing. ive had a thrombosed hem before and its always shrunk and disappeared but didnt burst. any thoughts on that?
Are you still having a lot of pain? If so, you need to return to your surgeon. If not, then it can take several weeks to shrink down, and it may never really disappear, as there may be a skin tag left hanging.

The fact that you are wondering and concerned is reason enough to call or email your surgeon with these questions. He should have given you guidelines in regard what to expect and when to call back for further treatment.

Jan Smiler
I'm sorry your having so much trouble have you tried taking a daily pro biotic, they can be very helpful with excess gas and bloating. I am having similar problems with the fiber and my bum is just burning and irritated everyday, it is very annoying I feel like it's very difficult to find a happy medium, I'm 14 weeks out since my reversal and it's miserable. I also am suffering with hemorrhoid issues on and off. Confused
Oh PLEASE hang in there, Tom. Just always remember there IS a light at the end of the tunnel, however far off it may seem. (And it might be closer than you think.)

Try to focus on the things you can control... Clean/spruce up your room or house, turn on some nice music, put on some clothes that make you feel confident, take a walk outside if the weather's nice or go for a scenic drive, watch/read an uplifting movie/book... Sometimes going through the motions even if we don't feel it can change our mood. (Studies have shown that forcing a smile even if we're down makes us feel a little better.)

When I was depressed (which almost never happens anymore but used to all the time) I never felt like doing anything but staying in bed, BUT I know that a clean, nice-looking house/environment would always make me feel better, so forcing myself to clean the house (with some good music on) would always help in the end. Other than that, going to sleep was my other stand-by solution. Things are always a bit easier to deal with after some solid sleep.

However, the medical lit my doc gave me says to try to get out of the house and resume normal activities as much as possible, as our GI tracts often respond accordingly, acting up less when we're out and about. (I definitely noticed this to be true when I was sick with UC.) How are you spending the bulk of your days?
Bootstrap, very interesting "read my story" on ostomies. And Tom yes hang in there. I was never an emotional person but in the few few months after takedown I was an emotional roller coaster. Kind of freaked my husband out for sure. It does get better. I took the advice of others on this site and measured my progress in first hours, then days then weeks. It was a major blow to your body and mind having this surgery. We have all been there for sure. The good thing about this site is we are all here for each other. We understand.

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