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My valve either slipped or had food blocking it, but at 8am I awoke to a bed covered in poop! Went to Dr Cohen, although not common, it does happen, he said my pouch may have been too full, but I had emptied it only three our before! I don't get it! When I catheterized, it was like a pressure hose, so I guess my pouch was over full, I'm hoping, I want no more surgery!!! This happen to anyone, and if so, what was the outcome? Thanks,

Eric Razzer
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Been there, done happens when you have a k pouch and waking up in it is the occasional perk!
So sorry...but I do not think that it is an indicator of could just be, well, nothing.
I have had many leaks and know that they may, on occasion happen to me when the pouch overfills even though, yes, it is supposed to tighten the valve and not pop it open...but there you have it...nothing is perfect.
Mine is slightly twisted/dented etc so I know why but when my valve was 'good' it did it on the rare occasion too.
Don't panic just try to remember what you ate.
Thanks guys....remember my post about wild emotions? Well, as soon as this happened, I started crying like a little girl, I just couldn't help it. It's not like me to turn on the water works so easily, I think I've reached my limit this year, I'm just praying nothing else happens, I honestly can't handle much more right now. In time, I'm sure I'll be fine, but it feels like my psyche has reached it's limit as to how much it can tolerate in a short period of time. It's been a brutal year starting with my shoulder surgery last September, followed immediately but the pouchitis and butt burn from hell. Then, in February, my dad, whom I love more they words can express, had a massive heart attack and triple bypass (we almost lost him twice). Then the pouchitis again, followed by my mother in law having back surgery, my K pouch surgery, during which my insane sister decided to send my hubby threatening emails regarding my will (she accused him of making me sick on purpose, just so he can get the insurance money, via three vicious email, while I was on the OR table no less, and she's a nurse, but no longer part of my family), then, two more re-hospitalizations for a blockage and a twisted valve. Then, four months of a painful recovery, a week ago, my hubby had surgery for a umbilical hernia, and then today's excitement, no wonder I feel like I'm going nutty, oh yeah, just before my shoulder surgery, I lost a very dear friend to alcoholism, she was only 49. Geeze, when I type it all out, I can understand why I'm cracking, I SO need a vacation, but not until I'm certain my valve is ok, thank god for you guys, you're the only ones who can understand, thanks, as always, for letting me vent!

Eric Razzer
You have been through more than your share of grief and illness and everything else! Try to relax and hopefully this was just a fluke with something caught in the valve and had it opened slightly. You have every reason to be ready to feel like you've had you just can't take anymore. I think we all have been to that point at one time or another...just breathe and take it one day at a time. I have heard that pouchitis can cause leaks.....don't know if it's true but thought I would mention it. Good luck Bud! Hugs!
Because Dr Cohen told me not to, he said unless the leak persists, it was probably a one time deal (I hope), but after last night I'm almost certain it's a blockage. I've been on fluids all day, with no problem, but within one hour of eating semi-solid food (chicken noodle soup) I start feeling like I'm going to vomit, may just end up in emerg anyways, I'll keep you posted, thanks.
How is your output??? Is it thin and watery? Do you have enough output? Stick to fluids, no dairy and keep heat on your belly...a hot water bottle is fine and a heating pad behind your back...walk a lot...even if it is only in circles around your bedroom...get up, sit down, lay down, get back up again....and don't try solids for another 24hrs...
Hi Eric,
Just wondering how you are doing now? My, but you have been through so much stress the last year & it's understandable why you would freak out having something like that happen. A couple of times I've discovered a small amount of fecal matter on my dressing & I'm hoping like hell as well that nothing is seriously wrong. This never happened with my first Kock pouch, but has happened a few times with my second Kock pouch. Something I've noticed is that the few times that it has happened is after I've eaten a lot of fibre. I'm hoping that all is wrong is that maybe a large piece of fibre got stuck in the valve during intubation perhaps keeping it open a bit - thus causing a small amount of fecal discharge. I'm now making a definite point of watching the amount of fibre I eat to see if this is the case. Sharon - does this make sense to you?
Not a bad idea FRH.
While still living in Canada I used to use papaya enzymes with meals and I think that it helped a lot back then...haven't tried it in years...but great idea. Pineapple works too after meals for me (fresh, just chew and spit out the fiber!)...
Yes, it is very happens to me every so often, thankfully not too often and always remindes me and my digestive tract are far from perfect! Scary thought though...its all a crap shoot (sorry for the play on words!) and we need to be extra vigilant with what we eat/drink/ just is.
How are you doing Eric??? any better?
Hugs from far away.

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