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I think it's possible I might have a small stricture, but how I would know for sure? I feel like I'm straining more than I was right after the take-down surgery 4.5 weeks ago. This has been going on for about a week. Also, I'm not having gas pain/cramps, but it is a bit uncomfortable right at the anus when I have to hold the urge to pass gas or use the restroom. I had that issue right after take-down, it got better, but it's back again.

Also, I don't think I ate anything new or differently in the last day or two, but last night and today my GI has been much more volatile and active, and I've had diarrhea. It's kind of like I have UC again, but much less intense than UC. My belly hasn't grumbled or been bloated like this since I had UC though. I've tried gas-x, pepto, and immodium without much relief today, and I have had relief with those meds until today.

The last time I went to the restroom I had just a tiny bit of blood when I wiped clean. I can't tell if it's because I had to use the restroom significantly more today than usual, and was away from home so didn't have wet wipes and had to use harsher TP, or if it has something to do with the possible stricture or increase in trips to the restroom.

Overall I'm feeling fine, but last night and today have definitely been different, and it dawned on me I've probably been straining more than I should this past week.

Any thoughts? Also, if it is a stricture, do I have to go to my surgeon for dilation, or can I do it myself?
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I think it's time for a visit to the doctor. S/he can do a simple digital exam to see if you have an anal stricture. It also could be pouchitis or cuffitis or the start of a fissure. OR... it could be just the normal progression of healing. Nice huh? Hopefully it's the normal progression and will work it's way through. But the doctor visit should answer your questions. I'm sorry you're experiencing a bump in the road.

kathy Big Grin
Thanks, Kathy. I actually have an appointment with my surgeon on Monday to go over blood work results (checking my nutrition and such, and to discuss taking my port out. I'm going to mention it to him then.

The good news is the diarrhea is gone today, and I think I found the culprit. I bought a new bottle of Pepto Sunday afternoon, and I noticed last night it says "sugar free" on it. I don't know about other jpouchers, but I've already learned I cannot do the sugar free stuff as it intensely stimulates the GI tract. Goes to show me I really need to pay more attention to all of the details when I'm buying anything that will be going through my body.

Take good care!

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