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Since this seems to be the question of the is mine. What is the sideeffect of drug testing on medical marijuana?
The French government in their best imitation of schiopherinia (sp?) is campaging to legalise the stuff and at the same time trying to crack down on its use and make it as illeagle as alcohol in an automobile. They are now systematically testing for it when there is suspicion of irratic behaviour (drunken or stoned) behind the wheel.
You end up with a suspended license and/or worse.
I know that you cannot put someone in jail for driving while under the influence of tylenol or advil but what about medical marijauana?
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Hmmm....since canabinoids remain in the system for about a month, you can test positive and not be impaired. However, you can be impaired (or just a lousy driver) and wind up being charged with a DUI this way. My understanding is that you can be arrested for reckless driving even if you pass all drug/alcohol tests, at least in California. The DUI is more of an enhancement and allows them to throw more punishment at you.

My advice, don't drive there is no reason to pull you over.

Jan Smiler
No justification needed here...the police can set up barriers at the parking lot exits of nightclubs and pull over every single person for testing (and they do!)...they usually get about 3 out of 4 to give up the keys and call a checks are common especially on holiday weekends, vaction and special events...(not bad considering that we have a huge percentage of automobile deaths due to drug or alchol use...something like 2 out of 3)...and it is usually the kids who get killed or kill some innocent person...
Thus the new laws.
Here there are two separate laws: one saying if your blood alcohol level is above 0.08% you can't drive. Another that is just regarding "driving under the influence of intoxicants". In this case intoxicants can refer to anything that impairs your ability to drive, including prescription medications (like pain-killers), so medical marijuana would fall under this category.

However, as far as I know there is no way to conclusively test if you are currently stoned, as blood tests would show anything within the last month. So any arrests would be made on the grounds of observational evidence (bleary, bloodshot eyes; marijuana odors; body posturing; speech patters; etc.) But I have been in a DUI class where there was a girl there who had no alcohol in her system, only marijuana, so I know it happens... and in my experience, in these sorts of cases the judges always side with the cops, regardless of the evidence.

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