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Hi everyone, My k-pouch is almost 12 months old, can't believe time has passed so quickly. I am a little experienced at abdo surgery. Started with total proctocolectomy in 1991 and formation of j-pouch. Had resonable success for about 5 to 6 years.I had a new j-pouch done in 2006 and continued to suffer from pouchitis. I spoke to my surgeon in 2010 about having permanent iliostomy done.At this appointment we discussed the option of having a k-pouch instead,PROBLEM, he had never done this surgery before. After researching this i decided it was my only option, I had to have one. The immediate problem was he wanted me to go to Clevland and have Dr Vic Fazio do my surgery. One quote later and I decided I was not that precious, too expensive. Anyway I went back to see him about 18 months later and we decided if "I was game and he was game" we would do it. Everything went really well until the valve slipped and I had surgery again in march to have it stapled in place. The only problem I am experiencing is lots of clear fluid discharging from the stoma. I have mucous which I believe is normal but the fluid seems to be a problem. Does anyone have a similar problem and if so do you know why it occurs. HELP.
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Hi Wendy,
What kind of fluid are you talking about? Clear? Coloured? Pinkish or stool coloured? I have an indentation in my valve (actually in the length of the valve that leads into the pouch) that collects 'stuff' that about a couple of minute to 1/2hr after intubating I get a spurt or squirt or drip out of the is not mucous but just a mix of mucous with whatever remained in my valve after intubation...sometimes it is a drop or 2 and others it is a tbls. worth (I even get undigested peices occasionnaly)....I have learned that it is not the sign of a just is and I change my pad more often to accomodate it.
Hi Wendy,
I, too, have an extraordinary amount of a clear, watery substance that leaks out of my stoma constantly - a real nusance to have to deal with. I have to change my dressing almost every hour to sop up the amount of water leakage coming out. As well, my valve seems to change position occasionally & I have to try different angles of inserting my catheter. I've had a pouchogram done & have been assured by my surgeon that there is nothing wrong. He doesn't know why the water leakage is happening as it happens to some of us & not to others. - Dixie
Can I ask you a few questions?
How often do you intubate? When you intubate, how many times do you push in and take out the tube (ex: to unclog), how much lube do you use? (a drop or a dollop?) Do you irrigate a lot (injecting water into your pouch through your tube)? What kind of diet do you eat? Mostly carbs and starches? Mostly protiens like fish and chicken? Vegetables? Fruits? and in what quantities? Milk products?
Do you eat a lot of salt? Junk food? How much water do you drink?
What you eat can effect the moisture in your valve, can irritate it or dry it out...When, like now, I cut out the carbs completely and eat nothing but veggies, fruits and meats/fish/chicken then I find that my vavle is wetter...I need to intubate more often because the veggies and fruits don't digest as easily as bread products/pasta/rice and leave chuncky residue so I need to remove my tube a lot to clean it out and put it back in...needless to say my patch is constanly wet and needs changing every hr or more...When I eat complex carbs like whole grain pasta/bread then my pouch slows, I empty only every 5-7hrs and my patch stays dry. Milk products make it more mucousy too.
So, try to keep a food journal and include the output and dampness.
My first thought is a food allergy or food sensitivity. Antihistamines can help with this issue. I have more mucous after I empty my pouch. As I have had my pouch now for 34 1/2 years, I have less mucous than I did when I first received my Kock Pouch. One thing I noticed that affected me was milk, so I must have a milk sensitivity. If it's clear or's normal.
Hi Wendy, I was just wondering if you were taking a probiotic! I started taking one and a couple weeks after I started I was noticing more clear liquid coming out. When I go to empty my pouch my dressing is soaked. So I'm going to stop taking the probiotic and see if it stops or even slows it down! I'll post in a few days to let you know the results. grandma64
When I am in a state that I have an allergy issue it is as if a swimming pool comes out of me. When I visit Florida where I have no allergies I don't even need to use a stoma cover. I am in the DC area and I am not as watery but in Dallas it was horrible. I mentioned allergies and doctors looked at me weird. I think they are all idiots some times.

anyway, no allergy medicine in the world would help for that even though I tried. Just something to factor in.

Ps. Probiotics mess me up!

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