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Replies sorted oldest to newest's a great feeling isn't it!!

Laying down farting started for me, like you, about 4 weeks after takedown. I am now another 4 weeks on and have graduated onto standing up farting too!

Don't know about you, but farting was a dangeous pastime with UC mucus.

Only downside is mine are really really stinky and smell of what I ate. Husband isn't to keen on that in bed!

Happy farting
Thanks Tom, Pepto tablets I hadn't thought of that. I suppose on the basis that mine smell of what I have eaten, peppermint is a far more pleasant!
Glad you are doing better, but sorry you are feeling down.. I was put on Citlatopram, not sure if you have it in the US which works wonders for me. The whole J-Pouch process is just so huge and I think it is not surprising that you are depressed with all you are coping with. I would recommend getting something prescribed.
I have read about all the issues you have in the US with regard to medical insurance. We in NZ have our treatment funded by the government. There are financial constraints though and biologic drugs are not available to patients with UC, although since last year Crohn's sufferes can now get them.
Shortage of specialist physicians and surgeons is a problem here.
My Gastroenterologist is Richard Stein who came over from America about 6 years and he totally brilliant and my surgeon Bertrand Jauffret came from Paris last year.
Hope you continue to improve, it is good to be in touch with someone at nearly the same stage as me.
I have always found gravity plays a huge role. If I'm standing up much rarer for me to be able to successfully achieve that phenomena.

However, if I'm sitting or far better reclined or the best is lying flat on my back.... I can flatulate reoutinely if reclined or flat on back. If you havent tried the reclining/flat technique... give it a try.... Wink
6 days post takedown and I am now at 8 successful and 4 unsuccessful.

They key really is having a fairly empty pouch and be laying on your back when that dreadful gas pain comes, and quickly as you can prop your butt up, and carefully oh so carefully control that sucker as he squeezes out. Having a bit of loo paper handy to do a quick check just in case is also mandatory!

lol. Ah the fun things in life indeed!

I am going to keep a tally for as long as I can. Winning this race is something that brings a smile to my dial.

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