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Don't be in too much of a depends how you and your body other words...Walking, fine. Incline, low.
Lifting? Push-ups? Jogging? Some people are just great but others encounter problems and there is no hard and fast rule either...I was in good shape, worked out constantly and thought that I was Mighty-Mouse...started doing the stair master at 6 weeks. Had my first every hernia within 1 week. Surgery. 8 weeks post op next time, started doing a light work-out. Hernia...happened to me my new rule is, 'this is for the long-run, not the short term...What does it hurt to wait a little longer?'
I waited two weeks before going back to the gym. I began lifting light weights and quickly moved up. I did this after each surgery (3 step J Pouch). Everyone is different, but I didn't have any problems. I wear a compression belt over my lower abdomen to help prevent hernias and I'm lifting some serious weight again 3 months after takedown. I haven't had any hernia problems from weight lifting, but have had a few from sneezing.
While I would agree to the 'less is more' adage right after surgery, for individuals who had previously been accustomed to more strenuous workouts, I would say go ahead and re introduce it. I have been a marathon runner for many years and was able to take up running again about two months post op. I am slower than I had been but I don't find any negative effect on the pouch. Each to his/her own though. I am not as certain about weight resistant type workouts though.

I used to exercise regularly weights and cycling before I became ill, I had a 3 stage op and have had a pouch since 2007. I got back into the gym a year after, I started a bit to soon and have hernia in my groin but it's not an issue. I always wanted to run a marathon so I trained myself, it was part of my journey post op dealing with the depression I had. I ran my first marathon in 2011, I have gone on to run many ultra marathon's and quite a few 100 milers. Exercise has been the key ingredient for me and I feel the reason why I have had no problems. It's not been easy it's trail and error and listen to your body. It's been frustrating at times but keep at it. My out generally stays the same after exercise, on a longer endurance event it's one of the things that slow me down. 

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