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Most nights I sleep strait through...the only meds that I take are tylenol 1000mg and my epilepsy sleeping meds (they scare me to death)...I try to eat light in the evenings, usually just a salad or the veggie part of dinner and some fruit for desert...meaining digestion time is about 3hrs tops. We eat at 8pm so I can't go to bed before 11pm...or until my pouch feels empty enough...if I eat anything heavier (pasta, pizza, meat & potatoes...) I know that I am in for a rocky night...I won't be able to empty fully, will be creating gas and feel uncomfortable...and it will wake me around 3am at least once.
It is pretty much the only way I know of to get a 'good' night's empty pouch.
When I wake up in the morning I am full, no matter what. But there is full and then overfull...overfull is dangerous for my I do what I need to and rely on my pouch to wake me up if it needs it.
You will learn to develop the reflex subconciously...kinda like a mom with a new born wakes her up.
If you are really scared then set your alarm for 3am, empty out and then go back for a good rest of the night.
I sleep through the night 90% of the time with no problems. And most of the time, I don't even need to empty until sometime after breakfast. I was probably nervous when I first got my pouch about recognizing the need to empty while I was asleep, but it has honestly never been an issue. If the pouch needs to be emptied the pouch wakes me up! Like when you gotta pee... and I always wake up before the 'overfull' and painful stage.
Honestly, I had more trouble sleeping when I had an ostomy bag because that thing can fill up and you'd never know it! I kept thinking what if I roll over on it and it bursts?? Big Grin
Well, I have an ostomy now but am wanting to switch over to a k-pouch for many reasons, but one being sleeping through the night. Most people seem to say the sleep better with their k-pouch than with an ostomy or j-pouch (probably if it's failing) and definitely better than with IBD. I usually get up once to empty my bag, not because I need to, but because I wake up and think "might as well" since it's more comfortable to try to fall back asleep with an empty bag. I would think a k-pouch could hold more than a bag, and a bag can make it through the night.
I usually go to bed around midnight or 1 am. If I am working the next day I get up at 7:30 am. I usually go to the bathroom around 11 am. I have been on Ativan for 5 years for sleeping issues due to anxiety and IC. I sometimes wake up if I am on my back because then there is to much movement in my pouch but otherwise I sleep through the night good.

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