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I have been having some really bad lower back pain lately (more than my usual) and finally went to see my GP who changed me from NSAIDs to tylenol 4grms/day (doesn't like NSAIDs for my kidneys)...but I just realised that I have been having some really heavy pressure 'down there' for a while, pushing like something wants to come out of there (it has been closed for 33yrs!) there is something sharp in there that is moving around and I am getting what feels something like a fissure (cracking, cutting, burning pain) idea what this is.
I have been excessively tired but I haven't connected the 2 things before.
The last time I had these symptoms was 25yrs ago and it was 2 tumors in the cul de sac of Douglas. (the curve made out of the sacrum/coxxys where the rectum used to be).
Any other ideas? No fever. Just pressure and pain. Doing bloodwork this week and will ask for an ultrasound if needed. My BP is really high too for some strange reason.
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I have this. My MRI ruled out an abcess when I was at the CC. I feel like a watermelon wants to come out of me. I cal it a "butt baby". Mine seems to be from FAP. I have cysts that have formed all over the nerves where the rectum was removed. Shen tried to kill those nerves when I was at CC but it didn't work so mine seems to be a deeper issue. I am going to See J. Cheng to try to block the nerves now. Top 6th pain management doctor in the world. Can't hurt to try. I had some small fluid. I also have a sausage for a fallopian tube but not sure that would cause the pain. The pressure really gets to me.

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