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Six weeks ago I experienced an obstruction. I spent a week in hospital, initially receiving antibiotics and conservative treatment in the hope it would clear.
Unfortunately one week on surgeon had no option but to operate. Prior to surgery there was talk of narrowing at one section of my small intestines as well as adhesions. Surgeons told me they may have to give me a temporary stoma.(I have had w pouch for 18 years)

When I came round after surgery I was told they had managed to remove adhesions from one side, but were unable to treat other side because things were much worse than they expected there, due to infection. Actually I say I was told this but I overheard a nurse talking about my case. She was furious because I was being admitted to HDU for 24hrs despite not getting the major surgery which was initially planned. I still struggle to understand when things were worse than they initially anticipated they actually did less surgery.

I received an additional course of iv antibiotics to run alongside the other. When I got home the wound showed signs of infection and I ended up on another course of antibiotics. Five weeks on my wound has healed but I have a bruising feeling at one section of my abdomen. It is constantly there and believe it has got worse the last 5 days. If pressure is applied to the area it has me doubled up in pain and radiats further along my abdomen. The area is about 2cm away from wound and just below navel. It seems to get worse when sitting upright, standing or walking.

I cannot remember experiencing these symptoms after previous surgeries. GP has suggested it could be down to fat poking throgh abdominal wall and will hopefully clear up itself.

I am concerned this could be down to something else eg infection. GP has told me it is not a hernia as no obvious lumps. I have experienced a lot of pain in this area over last year but never got to bottom of it. I am now wondering if it is area of narrowing, which I was told was above pouch.

I feel like I am not being given full picture by medical profession. I am not stupid and know what I overheard on more than one occasion. My consultant has told me to forget about what I heard, as far as he is concerned the surgery went well and there are at least no desmoids. He felt it would be a waste of my time to come for 6 week appointment, only needing to see me if there were problems and "they were unlikey to show up at that point"

Can anyone shed some light on this? All information/advice would be very much appreciated.
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