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Don't eat too much of it. I made the mistake of doing that the last time I dined on thin crust cheese pizza with a small piece of garlic bead and water. I had the laws of physics join me that meal only to tell me "did you really think you could eat that much pizza minus 5 feet of your colon? You should have learned there's no beating the laws of physics by now. Sorry you lose." That whole meal reminded me how long ago my surgeon warned me how I'd become more dependent on my sphincter muscle after my J Pouch surgery was finished. Frowner Frowner
I've eaten alot. cereal with whole milk, turkey, meatloaf, salisbury steak, chicken, pudding, rice, donuts, deli sandwiches without veggies, corn dogs, gatorade, rootbeer, chicken dumpling soup, canned peaches, pears, apples, mac n cheese, whole and mashed potatoes.

dear lord. whats wrong with me. im scared to death to add things yet. had some peach last week and paid dearly Frowner someone encourage me to take some chances here. colitis has me fearing most foods...

You beat me to it! I ate pepperoni pizza in the hospital too. Wink I was told to order more than I could eat and to just have a few bytes of what I ordered. One time, after breakfast a Resident lifted up the food covering to see what I ate, and smiled at me. It was like they were monitoring my food as well as my fluids.
Tinned peaches come through clearly identifyable where as skinless fresh ones don't....can't imagine why. Would have thought tinned ones which are effectively cooked by the heat of the canning process would be easier to digest. Had a very bad experience with dried apples, making my partners museli, why oh why didn't I consider they swell up inside.
Posted Oct 7, 8:45 PM Hide Post
I've eaten alot. cereal with whole milk, turkey, meatloaf, salisbury steak, chicken, pudding, rice, donuts, deli sandwiches without veggies, corn dogs, gatorade, rootbeer, chicken dumpling soup, canned peaches, pears, apples, mac n cheese, whole and mashed potatoes.

If you've eaten all of that, a slice of pizza is no issue. Just make sure you CHEW, CHEW, CHEW and drink plenty of fluid (water).
so why is it that i cant eat a thing 2 weeks after takedown? i been eating toast crakers rice etc. but im scared to death to add anything. tried peanut butter and it wrecked me had panara soup broth with the bagget bread soaked in it and screwed me. what the heck is going on?
For whatever reasons there are, some people adjust faster than others but eventually we all end up in the same place.

that is good to hear! i feel like i am behind compared to others, but i guess it's not good to be comparing.
chasing time, no matter what i ate for the first month, it ran through me and screwed me too. it wasn't until like 8 weeks or so where i felt like my body was actually tolerating food, and not until month 3 where i started expanding outside low residue. it's frustrating and maddening, but should get much better for you in the coming weeks.
thank you. i tried beano yesterday to see if it would cut down on my gas/bloating and i think because its an enzyme it just ended up at my anus and made butt burn worse. usually my butt burn is tolerable but last night i was in excruciating pain. make sense? any gas reduction tips. to be honest this feels like colitis again except i can hold it and theres no blood. i know people say it will feel that way but my brain cant wrap around feeling better in time. i feel hopeless some days and thurday morning we drive home to ny from florida. dilaudid will get me through. it really slows me down and lifts my spirits but i dont like using it. this is a special circumstance...
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right now im dealing with surgical pain the open wound and the normal bowels issues 2 weeks out. ive also taken on depression and anxiety from this disease so im not seeing the light yet. is life fun after all this suffering? i have a great wife family and friends that im grateful for but i cant picture me any different than when i was in the throws of colitis.
chasingtime and fq - I am about 5 months out and still having some problems. Not where I was but still battling. Walking, watching tv and lots of sitz baths are the key. The more I eat the more I go, still. Patience is the only way. I have had other surgeries in the past and you heal from them. This was a certainly different from all the others. Gutted is the word I use for my surgeon! It just takes lots of time to heal this one!
if i remember correctly, beth156 has had her pouch for 15 years...that's a LONG time!!! we are nowhere near that. i am sure things will change quite a bit in that time. we are all different though. there are days where having a j-pouch reminds me of colitis (without the blood, pain), but mostly because of the frequency. also i still have a bit of urgency and yes, lots of burn. i'm not sure about helping the gas, because there was SO MUCH GAS for me right after takedown that really time just helped to ease it. maybe smaller meals, chewing food well, pepto/gas-x, oh...taking LOTS of walks helped me with the gas pains. i took Cipro for a few weeks that helped settle things down. maybe yogurt/probiotics might help, or they could help later. i took almost 3 sitz baths a day in the first couple months. spent long nights in the bathroom. went through Calmoseptine like it was goin' outta style! did all kinds of tricks and tips for my arse that seemed to offer temporary relief. got a bidet, sprayed my butt in the shower, rubbed oil on it, soaked it in yogurt, sat in baths, called upon the j-pouch genies.... i felt like my butt was a kitchen / baking project! i still use calmoseptine, but take less baths now.

now in month 3-4, i feel much better energy-wise, so it is easier to handle these issues. when you have surgery recently, and are still recovering / exhausted / in pain, then dealing with the j-pouch adaptation and quirks on top of that are enough to make you batty! it was really hard, but i tried to get my mind off my pouch (ok actually that was impossible), but i tried to get fresh air and other distractions, like TV. Looking back, I should have done more of that, as my friends had suggested, but i was miserable and did not see the point. now i see how those things would probably have helped, because whether i liked it or not, i was simply going to have to wait a bit longer for my body to adjust. so instead of keeping a little busier with other distractions, i lay in bed and cursed my pouch!!! i don't think that helped my recovery much. be sure to take lots of walks and hang in there! this surgery was so complex and bigger than open-heart surgery, so i guess we need to be very patient. even at 4 months out, i have to remind myself that it has NOT even been 1 year yet, so hopefully still more improvements to come! i also had complications early on (like stricture), so i followed up with my doctors almost weekly. hope you feel better soon!
I used Super Digestive Enzymes vs beano. They are in clear capsules and work much better than beano. I don'e need them anymore but they really helped me out. I didn't start taking them until 2-3 months as that's when I found out about them.

There are a couple of good threads on here where we discussed the brand names etc. I've used a couple of different brands and couldn't tell the difference. Some of you might want to do a search and find that thread.

I had a 1-step and was eating a regular diet within a week. Nothing was completely "forbidden," other than an instruction to avoid milk and raw vegetables for a while. Still, I was eating a green salad before discharge and had a steak soon after getting home. It was so long ago, but I am sure I had pizza fairly early on, also Mexican food, other Italian food, etc.. The only problem I noticed was increased frequency. I had no big problems that were food related, and I had a lot of complications.


Jan Dollar posted:

I had a 1-step and was eating a regular diet within a week. Nothing was completely "forbidden," other than an instruction to avoid milk and raw vegetables for a while. Still, I was eating a green salad before discharge and had a steak soon after getting home. It was so long ago, but I am sure I had pizza fairly early on, also Mexican food, other Italian food, etc.. The only problem I noticed was increased frequency. I had no big problems that were food related, and I had a lot of complications.


I swear Jan Dollar you are heaven sent you are so knowledgeable your comments are so comforting I really mean this I would love to have you as my professional consultant 

Well, thanks! I don't know how knowledeable I am, but if I learned anything from 45 years of UC and 20 years with a j-pouch, it was depriving myself of what I craved only caused obsessive thoughts. Eating weird stuff may cause some extra toilet trips, but that is about it (at least for me). I guess if you wolf down a bunch of roughage you might cause an obstruction. So, whatever you eat, chew well like your mama told you.


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