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I had a single-stage surgery in May, but unfortunately developed sepsis after a week and had to have a temporary ileostomy. Take down was about 6 weeks ago. For the last 3 weeks I have had smelly pus coming out of my navel. The only time my navel was opened was during my first surgery in May. So am puzzled as to why this should happen after all this time. Anyone else had this?
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Hi kiwi,
Sounds like you have an infection or abscess behind your navel and that is why it has opened up and is seeping should give your doc a call and see him/her...they may want to open it up more to allow it to drain properly or put you on antibiotics (or both)...pus means it red, painful, hard or hot to the touch around your navel? All of those are signs of is a good thing it is open and draining but I would still go see the doc anyway.
I had a big abscess there too and you need to see your surgeon and/or GP ASAP. Mine would quit draining at the top of it at my belly button and when that would dry up it would drain a few inches down and went back and forth like that. Hopefully they can just drain it and put you on antibiotics to clear it up.

After take down surgery I ended up with a big open hole that I had to pack until it healed, no stitches. That's why I say get in soon because I'd hate for them to have to cut it out like they did mine.
Dear KIWIPoucher

Kindly let me know what happened thereafter. Iam experiencing something similar.

Yesterday I inserted and moved my finger inside my belly button just to clean the navel. Today morning I noticed pus like discharge from my belly button! May be I forced my finger too deep into the naval rubbed vigorously. Perhaps I should have used antimicrobial spray for the purpose of cleansing my navel.

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