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I'm one week away from my take-down surgery. I would like to know which brands of TP you all believe to be the softest around. I've always just used the cheapest brand to get the job done, but know I need to switch to the best brand to help protect my bottom from here on out.

Also, are flushable wipes better to start with? How about medicated wipes like Tucks? Any tips would be much appreciated.
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The one I have used for a while now is a regular toilet paper called Angel Soft. I buy the "mega rolls" which come in 9 packs or, more recently, 8 packs. In addition to being soft it seems more biodegradable than other toilet paper brands. It seems that with Charmin and Cottonelle I have more frequent toilet clogs even though I am not using very much paper.

Usually toilet paper can be bought cheaply in bulk at BJs or Costco's wholesale clubs. I just got a 60 day free trial membership from BJs in the mail, and I plan to activate it next time I need some toilet paper.
Last edited by CTBarrister
We buy Seventh Generation by the carton - auto ship through Amazon. We have a septic system so we have to have septic friendly TP. Seventh Generation is 100% recycled paper with a minimum 50% post-consumer recycled paper. It's whitened without chemicals containing chlorine and has no added dyes and fragrances. I don't like the 'soft' toilet paper because I find that it breaks through much too easily. Ew.

I also have a bidet toilet seat which is really excellent.

kathy Big Grin
I bought a small package of Charmin Ultra Soft and Angel Soft to start. Thank you, KATHY, for suggestion the Seventh Generation from Amazon. We, too, have a septic system, and I forgot to factor that in. SKN69 - Thank you for the suggestion of a squirt bottle. What a great and cheap alternative to a bidet.

I can't believe this time next Thursday I will be a bag-less lady!
I have a simple and very reasonable. I had it even before I could get to the bottom of all my diarrhea. I love it. I have not had one problem and very easy to put on and it is easy to take off from toilet to clean underneath it. You won't regret it. I promise. I also lived in the tub after I went to the bathroom since I was so swollen down there. It helped relieve that and then I read a post on here to try a heating pad. OMG that is so awesome. Helps the back pain and the butt pressure. I sure hope this helps out.
Charmin ultra soft or ultra strong both work and you don't need to use as much as you did of other paper. Maybe that was the other guys clogging problem. I didn't see the difference until we stayed at our daughter's house and she uses charmin ultra soft. from then on that's all we use.

We could not fit in a bidet seat, due to electrical reasons. My husband connected a sprayer, that uses the water going into the toilet, it's a hand held sprayer, like kitchen one, and it works great. The water is room temp and there is no dryer. Some use hair blow driers. It wasn't too cold in the winter either. I ordered it on line, shipping and all $50, from a Diabetes supply company. I come up one or two flights of stairs every time I need to "go".

I have a hand held bidet bottle, ordered from, that I take with on over night or vacation trips. I pack my own TP too. Wipes are a must too, make sure the kind you get have no alcohol in them. I carry a travel size of them in my purse and have them by all 3 toilets in the house. Cleaning our rears is the best thing for butt burn prevention.

Calmoseptine helps when things get raw. Also remember to dab not wipe. You will be going more often, there is 30% more bile than before surgery plus you haven't been using your arse while you had your stoma. All of those add up to a tender butt getting blasted with stinging poo up to 15 times a day.

Good Luck.
I'm beginning to think I'm a bit under prepared in this department. I have the calmoseptine, calamine lotion, wet wipes, soft TP, but nothing with water. I didn't realize a bidet or some type of water rinsing system would/could be so necessary/helpful. Looks like I'm going to spend the evening do some internet browsing. Thank you all for responding. I don't know where I'd be without you folks being so willing to share your experiences, and supporting those of us who need help. 5 days until take-down...
The portable one is around $10 off of The bottle is constructed so you can get some force when it's squeezed plus it has a long nossel to help with the aim. I didn't use anything with water, just a lot of showers, right away. You are ahead of the game in getting this all in place before your surgery.

Good luck it's just a few days away and you get to dump the bag!
Ask for a peri bottle at the hospital. It's a little squirt bottle that helped me a lot early on. Of note, not everyone needs an arsenal, especially in the long term, though it's good to be prepared. In the beginning, I had terrible, terrible butt burn but within a year, it had stopped and I haven't used anything since then except when I was pregnant. We had a j-poucher come over to our house once and she was horrified that we didn't have any wipes or cream, LOL! I hope you are on the lucky side, too!

If it's available, I use Charmin with Aloe, though it can be hard to find occasionally. If not, I'm not too picky but I don't use any Angel Soft products because I don't support the politics of the owners. But that's just me and my family -- everyone else can decide for themselves! Smiler
Alright...I think I'm going to hold off on a bidet for now, but have some squeeze bottles on hand if necessary to start. I have several different types of TP and sensitive/toddler wet wipes. I have my creams, long maxi pads, and just need to pick up some disposable and washable bed pads in case of night time leaks/accidents. Excited and nervous...once I go to bed I'll have three more days with the bag!
We now only use Angel Soft Ultra

I have not actually seen this product. I have only seen the regular Angel Soft, so I will look for it. But the regular Angel Soft is soft enough on my butt, and it seems to be more biodegradable than Charmin or Cottonelle. I need to keep the toilet plunger near the toilet due to constant clogging with Charmin and Cottonelle and had no such issues with the Angel Soft. I have never been able to figure it out, what the problem is exactly, but I think Charmin and Cottonelle are using denser paper (more of a cloth-like feel) which somehow causes issues in my system. That is what it seems like but I am not exactly a sanitation engineer or plumbing specialist. All I know is I never have the issue with Angel Soft and their toilet paper seems lighter to me than the other 2.
Last edited by CTBarrister

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