Well, I just got home from 20 days in the hospital with a micro-perf of the afferent limb and a fistula. They started me on steroids before I left. I had 3 CT enterographies and the Prometheious blood test that all came back "indeterminant". But, my doctors are pretty convinced that I have Crohn's so they started me on Remicade last Friday. I'm also on 40 mg of pred. I've done o.k. but still experiencing minor pain in the same site as before. Unfortunately, this is my last chance. If this does not work then, I will lose my pouch. I would like to ask everyone a few questions.
1. As the "gold standard and "miracle drug" that the docs claim Remicade to be, should I be 100% or does it take more than one infusion to do the trick? My next infusion is a week from Friday.
2. Has anyone tried Remicade only to have to try something else that has worked?
3. Is the surgery for pouch excision a terrible surgery? I am SO, SO scared to have this done. I've had 2 laparatomies and they were so tough.
4.Is there anyone out there that's in my situation?
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