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I guess it just depends on your pouch...I never had problems with it and artificial sweetners do not bother me either...Are you having any problems thus far? I have found that we are all very individual in our reactions except for maybe a general sensitivity to lactose but even that is not a guarentee...
If you already have a sugar problem then it may be wise to stay away but otherwise just test yourself by keeping a food diary.
I just got done seeing Bo Shen and I have pretty much a chronic bacteria infection that I will be on antibiotics for life. Sugar is what is the thing that keeps it going. Even fruits with high sugar content are not advised.

I am going to see if I can handle agave though. I couldn't handle agave with a colon so I am leaning towards that. Splenda is that weird grey area. It is chemicals so of course not good, period and is derived from sugar but isn't sugar. I have used it on and off. I can't stand Stevia or any Stevia plant products.

A clean diet is the best for a pouch.
I have always had a milk sensitivity, but would just throw caution to the wind on pizza night. A year ago, I gave up pizza and switched to soy yogurt (I have been on lactose free milk already).
I rarely eat cheese as well.
Yesterday, I had to have frozen yogurt...there was no cramping, it just went right through me (so to speak). The rest of the day was the same way no matter what I ate.
Did I learn? For awhile.
I eat little in the way of raw fruit. And granola, which I love , a small portion for breakfast once in awhile.
What I have learned, is that my body changes. A year ago the pizza was fine, the yogurt was tolerable. Now forget about it.
And we are all different.
I have not given up chesse, icecream or yoghurt...but milk is out...I eat the edges of pizzas and try to avoid the really cheesy parts just to be safe but I have found that acedopholis yoghurt is wonderful and the only real milk product that my pouch tolerates...I do granola too but I pick out the coconut strips and dried fruits...but I agree with you...our bodies modify with age and we just have to walk softly and eat carefully until we master a new food group...or not.
Since all of the problems I had requiring me to be intubated in ER and remain on strait drain...I always consider how whatever I am eating is going to react if I am intubated permanently...and cannot pull out my tube to unblock I avoid all stringy stuff and undigestible chunky foods...but I am back on black breads and cakes this week and am doing fine with them...
Go figure

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