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ice cream. avocado. tacos. oatmeal. chocolate-covered almonds.

I eat 3 big meals a day and snack throughout the day.

Last week I stepped on the scale at my doc's office and BAM! Lost more weight!..... 5 more pounds gone since last month's doctor visit.


how is that I am still losing weight and I am 4 months out of surgery and eating pretty well? Ok, i am not stuffing my face with pizza and burgers, but still eating...

I used to drink ensure type supplements, but I stopped them when my diet / appetite increased. also because those vitamins in the drink interfere with Cipro, which i am currently taking.

i don't want to waste away.... how come i'm still losing weight, even though I'm eating? How can I gain or at least maintain? is it the type of food? greasy, fatty food doesn't sit well with me.

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How long since your colonectomy????
When the colon is removed you have less length for digestion/absorbtion (even though the colon essentially absorbs mostly liquids) it can take a while for your body to get used to it...Also depends on your digestion time from in to fast are things going through you???? Just like someone with the will lose weight if it is too often or too fast...once your stools are thicker and your digestion slows down you should be able to 'fatten up' took me a year post op each time to start gaining weight again (sigh!)...but I was happily skinny for 12 months post op...
Please be ware that weight is not always weight...are you dehydrating???? Could be liquids too...keep up your electrolytes and hydration because they play a role in weight gain....
And then there are always suppliments like ensure or boost to pack on a few extra calories.
By the way...did the doc do any bloodwork to check for other problems?
As long as your appetite is good I would not be too concerned, although it is pretty weird if you have a good appetite, eat a lot and lose weight.

I kind of have the opposite problem, I am a foodie and struggle to keep the extra pounds off. I have to be real aggressive in the gym in order to keep the extra pounds off. I am fortunate that the few extra pounds I have, I carry well.

In your case, you might want to consider a high calorie protein or yogurt shake between meals. If you are looking for a high calorie yogurt snack, I have just what the doctor ordered: Liberte Mediterrannee Coconut flavor. It's delicious and it is 260 calories for a mere 6 ounce cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eat a few of those as snacks per day and report back in 2 weeks!!!!!!!
I'm about 6 months out and I didn't start putting any real weight on until sometime last month. Your body is probably putting most of its resources towards the healing/adaptation process. Growing new cells, healing tissue, and altering the way said tissue functions can take a lot of energy. Once the healing process starts winding down, your body won't need to use as much energy for those purposes and you'll start storing the extra calories just like anyone else would.

Basically, your using a tremendous amount of energy without physically doing much of anything.
I wish i had some answers for you, as i go thru the very same thing. Ever since my takedown, it has been very difficult for me to maintain my weight. I just think for people like us, it comes with having a j pouch. I gained weight easily back when i had my temp ileostomy, but have not been the same since takedown, even when not fighting pouchitis.

Marianne, yes I have had my j-pouch for about 4 months now. I will add it to my signature Smiler we are j-pouch "twins" in that mine seems to need prunes. well i hope my pouch can learn a thing or 2 from yours!

DJBHusky - that is a good idea! i am also a foodie lover, but admit i have been eating much healthier since takedown. So out the window went the greasy, fatty, high calorie foods I used to eat and love that would actually HELP me gain weight. i don't eat red meats anymore and nothing fried/greasy. with the ostomy i used to go to red robin and eat burgers every week and their salt caramel robin....YUMmmmMMMM. but alas, no more.

I will try eating more yogurts and healthy, but calorie-dense snacks in between meals. I read the yogurt thread, and as a consumer, i don't know where to start! the Liberte Coconut one you recommended sounds good. I have never heard of that brand. I wonder if it is sold in california. will try my local stores.

Epic Scotsman, I am so happy that has its very own awesome scientist to help explain these biological things! what you say makes so much sense, and i think you are right. In fact, my j-pouch only started working "properly" about 3 weeks ago. Before that, i was dealing with stricture, infection and other nasties. so now that things seem to be stabilizing, the healing can continue and then i can store calories. maybe a year from now, i will be posting opposite thread on losing weight!

thank you so much for your advice!!

my friends comment on how skinny and bony i look, and i want to tell them one of the following:

2. Duh, i just had my intestines cut up and re-arranged. remember?
3. um yeah. jealous?
4. Bite me.

Big Grin
the Liberte Coconut one you recommended sounds good. I have never heard of that brand. I wonder if it is sold in california. will try my local stores.


It's a Canadian yogurt coming from a company that is headquartered in Montreal, but I have seen it in all the local supermarkets in Connecticut as well as at Whole Food Markets. I think that very calorie-dense yogurts like this, which are delicious healthy snacks, should assist you with this weight gain issue.
That's right...I remember now, sorry. Our j pouches do act like twins BUT the big difference for me was I did gain my weight back and then some! Roll Eyes I have just lost 13 pounds by cutting calories and exercising my butt off so now I am back where I should be for my build.

I know it's no fun being scrawny either. WHen I had UC I was terribly underweight. I think in time you will start to gain it back. You are still pretty early in the game yet. Ensure drinks are pretty packed with calories and the chocolate flavor is pretty good. Eat lots of ice cream too!! Smiler
I'm in the same boat. I do eat a lot, I drink 2+ Boost High Protein/day.

Part of my problem is that I was naturally an ectomorph before I ever was diagnosed with CD. Went from weight lifting 5-6 days/week and at an ideal weight of 175-180 to 130 lbs within months of 1st getting sick.

After CD abd it being relatively under control, I was mostly around 165 while working out though my appetite wasn't the same (unless I had a flare and was prescribed prednisone, I ate not stop and looked bloated).

Anyway, I was 160 before part 1 last winter, 145 for the most part through the spring and now I've been at 130 since the take down. Very low energy, I've attempted to work out lightly and it's extremely difficult. I wish I could go on a regimented, gradually increasing and monitored PT program to ease my weigh back but apparently insurance won't cover it in these cases.

It's not easy, I get looks and comments about my weight constantly. Sadly I saw pictures of Matthew McConahey today and the headline how drastic his weighg loss is for a role as an AIDS patient, how bad and unrecognizable he looks...and he has the same height and weight as me. Not exactly uplifting. Frowner
fq and Sincolon, have either of you had any testing for absorption problems? It might be worthwhile just to see what is going on, particularly if you consistently have a fast transit time or a very liquid output. That being said, you are still close out from your surgery and your body is still in the adjustment phase; you weight may yo-yo around. It also depends how sick you were going in.

In the past, I've had a hard time gaining weight as well. I have been petite most of my life. I was severely underweight when I had UC (at my sickest I was 85 lbs), and even with the ostomy I was still 10-15 lbs below what I ideally should have been. My life was Ensure and Boost drinks and snacking on higher calorie foods like cheese between larger meals. The j-pouch has allowed me to regain a healthy weight. That being said, I've plateaued and despite having a healthy appetite, I don't seem to gain weight anymore. It doesn't take much for me to lose weight either. I was sick with Norwalk a few years ago and dropped 7 pounds in 3 days. Even now, if I have a day or two where I eat lighter due to my schedule, my weight drops a bit. I know that is something I shouldn't complain about, but having been severely underweight for 3 years and struggling to gain, you do look at things differently.
Haha, fq, your imagined "responses" to people commenting on your weight made me chuckle.

I would say first to try whatever you need to do to slow down your motility so that stuff stays in you longer for added absorption. In addition, I would find a few calorie-dense foods you like and can rely on and eat often, like peanut butter, sharp cheeses, wheat thins, odwalla shakes, full fat yogurt, and cooking with olive oil. (Those would be my picks.) They don't have to be the junk food version - they can still be pretty healthy but will give you the cals you need. Make sure you're getting tons of protein since that will help the healing as well as help you build muscle. If I was seriously trying to gain/maintain weight, I would look at some of those protein shakes in the "body-builders" aisle that are intended for "hard gainers" (people who have trouble gaining weight). They are designed to help you put weight on and keep it there. I would also make sure you are doing a little strength training at least a couple times a week to encourage muscle growth and make sure the weight you gain is not just fat.

As for me personally, I'm with Adrien. Since my temp ileo (and back on pred) I have been gaining weight like crazy. This inability to eat veggies or whole grains along with exercise restriction is killing me. I hope I am able to lose some after my takedown, LOL. I know it might sound cruel, but after years of seriously struggling and busting my ass to keep weight off, I hope I have your problem after takedown. Is that awful of me to say?

Good luck, and let us know what you end up trying and how it works for you...

Hi everyone. It has been a year since I've had my j-pouche. It seems like it is going ok and easier to live with. My problem is that I have lost 6 kilos/13 lbs since surgery. Whenever I eat it pretty much goes straight through me and if I need to do anything/go to work 2 days per week I don't eat anything till I get home. Also I am worse in the pm and for some reason I race to the toilet later in the day. Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to handle this. Cheers Francesca

Hello all.  My two cents.  Which is just that. 

I was finding the same thing.  Everytime I went in for an appointment I saw weight loss.  Very disappointing.  And mentally defeating me.  There were times in the middle of all this I did gain some.  But lost it all again.  And I could nit live with it.  I had no strength... Stamina to do my job.  I was wiped out before the end of my shift.  I did this for a long time and it was tearing me down... Slowly. 

I had my pouch for about 26 - 27 months.  Couldn't gain a bit of weight.  I started to but then it would just stay at one weight or lose a pound or two.  It was not very healthy for me.  After that long and all the problems I just could not live like that anymore and had it removed. 

Nothing or the amount of food I ate put weight on.  And I tried alot.  One thing that did put weight on was protein drinks.  That put weight on me.  But I knew it still was not a healthy way to go.  

Now that it is gone I am putting on weight.  Slowly but it's coming back.  I still have a short transition time from eating to it exiting but I have a larger appetite and never feel like I have eaten enough even if I am stuffed I am still hungry.  I never felt that way with a pouch.  I love food and look forward to eating.  And eating anything.  Spicy to bland.  I avoid the latter now... Lol.  The pouch was just not for me.  I guess in all I didn't want to sacrifice what you have to to have a pouch.  And you have to sacrifice alot especially if you are having problems with it.  Going into getting a pouch I look back and know now I didn't have the information I needed.  I thought I did.  I didn't.  I wish it would have worked but like  have said I am in a good place now.  I don't regret the pouch.  I tried.  But the effort was just not enough and I was running out of time so I had to make the ultimate decision.  I don't regret that either now.  It works.  And it works well. 

I hope you find a way to put on some weight.  My only suggestion is the protein drinks.  They work.  

But my sorry I cannot explain my experience better.  It's hard for me to write it down.  I see some write in here very well on their experiences but I just have a hard time putting down what I have in my head here.  This is a great place to come and get information.  I try to help and I hope you can get a bit of information from what I write. 

It's just that my experience with the pouch was not good. 

It works for you or it doesn't.  I think it's that simple.  Your asking a part of your body to do something it's not supposed to.  And I know now it's full of problems no matter what.  I had thought many many times when in a situation such as driving home or in the middle of a project how easy it would be to just let it go in a bag.  And I find now.  I was right.  It is so much easier.  I don't have to stop or find a restroom... Or lastly just go in my pants.  Yes.. I have just done that while driving cause I couldn't hold it.  So now while driving or doing a project I just go.  Or it just goes.  

Sorry.  Like I said.  Hard for me to write this down and make any sense.  We all go through alot.  And we have to decide what is right.  Or if that is the way you want to live your life. 

I needed to put on weight and get my health and mind back.  And I am doing that now. 

I apologize for the long rambling read. 



Hi Richard and Scott. Thankyou for your replies. I have mainly been using gastro-stop/Imodium and have just started using Lomitil which is stronger. I can't seem to be able to tolerate dairy products and I'm careful when I use them. In the past fibre drinks have not done much for me but I will give them another go. I eat a lot of rice and potato too. My problem is that I have coeliac disease and have an intolerance to gluten and because of this over many years have learnt to curb my hunger and limit my eating especially in a social setting. But I'll have to be intentional about Protein Drinks, Metamucil and taking the stronger medication of Lomitil. I have had Coeliac Dusease fir 20 years and am well informed about the gluten free diet but juggling this with a j-pouche as well is proving to be another challenge. Thankyou for your advice. Cheers Francesca

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