Marianne, yes I have had my j-pouch for about 4 months now. I will add it to my signature

we are j-pouch "twins" in that mine seems to need prunes. well i hope my pouch can learn a thing or 2 from yours!
DJBHusky - that is a good idea! i am also a foodie lover, but admit i have been eating much healthier since takedown. So out the window went the greasy, fatty, high calorie foods I used to eat and love that would actually HELP me gain weight. i don't eat red meats anymore and nothing fried/greasy. with the ostomy i used to go to red robin and eat burgers every week and their salt caramel robin....YUMmmmMMMM. but alas, no more.
I will try eating more yogurts and healthy, but calorie-dense snacks in between meals. I read the yogurt thread, and as a consumer, i don't know where to start! the Liberte Coconut one you recommended sounds good. I have never heard of that brand. I wonder if it is sold in california. will try my local stores.
Epic Scotsman, I am so happy that has its very own awesome scientist to help explain these biological things! what you say makes so much sense, and i think you are right. In fact, my j-pouch only started working "properly" about 3 weeks ago. Before that, i was dealing with stricture, infection and other nasties. so now that things seem to be stabilizing, the healing can continue and then i can store calories. maybe a year from now, i will be posting opposite thread on losing weight!
thank you so much for your advice!!
my friends comment on how skinny and bony i look, and i want to tell them one of the following:
2. Duh, i just had my intestines cut up and re-arranged. remember?
3. um yeah. jealous?
4. Bite me.