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I was wondering if people had their favorite brand of adult diapers (sorry, I don't know of a better name for them) they use. I'm smaller framed; 5'6" and 115 pounds. A friend of mine who has tried some for urinary incontinence said she hasn't found a brand that isn't bulky and noisy. She also said the size small would probably still swallow me, and that I might be better at looking at a larger youth-sized pull-up type product instead. I would like to have something on hand for after the take-down surgery in case I have any leaking issues; especially at night time. Please let me know what your experiences have been if you have already been down this road. Thank you!
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If your hips are smaller than 34", then you will need ones designed for teenagers. You want the type called Protective Underwear. Don't buy the protective briefs! They are just like Huggies but in a larger size. I know of at least three different brands. Walmart seems to carry the largest selection. I found the Depends Silhouette small NOT small/medium worked fine. The small/medium was too big. The Silhouette did not show through my running shorts or pants. The regular Depends does look a little bulgy in exercise clothes. Good luck!
I have used Stayfree Ultra Thin Super Long Pads instead of diapers. They seem to offer the protection I need if/when I need it. Plus, it just gives me that extra confidence that I'm covered in case of an "accident". Fortunately, those incidents are few and far between. Also sleep with a washable pad on my bed because it's far easier to clean and switch than making the whole bed. I've used the same ones for ten years! Bought them from the supplier which provides linens for the hospital I used during my surgeries. Great investment!
Though I never had leakage issues with the j-pouch, I had a more than a few nighttime leaks with my ileostomy. I bought a mattress pad and slip cover which was inexpensive and protects the mattress. Plus, it was easy just to pull off and throw in the wash as necessary. You can look into something like that if you are concerned.

I never used diapers, but I did use Always long pantyliners after my surgery just in case.

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