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Who else agrees that as a jpoucher the more active you are the better you tend to feel and i am not necessarily talking about active by just exercise i mean anything than just staying at home on the SOFA. I notice that whenever i have a weekend that i do the couch potato i feel like crap that week but when i stay busy I feel great.
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Good luck Subzero...
I am extremely I walk everywhere plus I workout 4-5xs a week, walking up and down stairs and hills for gives me a happy and active lifestyle but when I do not work out or go out I am miserable...I feel heavy, lumpy and slightly anxious or depressed...yup, activity or lack of activity is linked to mood.
I couldn't agree more. I tend to start feeling lousy both mentally and physically the less I do. I already horseback ride, go to the gym and do yoga. I recently joined a trivia league which meets on Tuesdays. I know it's not "exercise" but it's been great just getting out during the week! The point is, there are activities for every fitness level and you would be amazed how much better you will feel once you start doing even just a little more.
My body seems to know when I'm busy. Even with UC, things would shut down for awhile if I was doing something strenuous like moving furniture.

It's even better now, because it's gone from "doing something strenuous" to "doing something". I sat down at the computer yesterday to play some Borderlands 2 and before I knew it, 6 hours had passed (this was after a full day of school/lab work and assisting the teaching of a karate class). I was so busy with other nonsense yesterday, I went from 9am to midnight without a trip to the bathroom.
The more your mind is free to think and stress about your illness, pain, etc. the more it just feeds the body and brain those signals. I try to force myself to get up and move. Sometimes I need a sliver of Norco to do so but it helps. Reason I didn't finish appealing my SSDI. I need to work and stay busy talking to people and feeling normal.

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