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This is going to be a weird one. But I'm 5 weeks post take down and I am still extremely skinny for what I normally look like this. This summer may 17th I had my 2nd surgery which took a huge toll on my body, and had complications in the hospital. I was also admitted again for an infection and was on a wound vac for 4 1/2 weeks and I know I lost all my weight from those 2 things. I weighed 150ish pre op and I am now 124 Frowner it's frustrating nothing fits and it's not me. Does anyone have any advice? I really would like to gain it back and look like me again.
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Eat like me!!! I used to complain that I was too thing (hubby complained even more) I complain that I can't lose it!
Peanut butter, bananas, ice cream (if you can tolerate it), whole grain breads and pastas with olive oil based sauces (and tons of parmesan cheese), well chewed nuts and nut butters and jams...etc...a good ration of protien 3xs a day...and graze instead of just eating 3 meals...I graze from noon to 8pm...little snacks of healthy foods all day long...
I was very underweight after takedown. It took a good year to gain the weight back to my normal healthy weight. Then guess what? I gained another extra 10 pounds! I just shed those extra 10 pounds by cutting calories and exercising my butt off.

If you continue to eat normal and healthy, the weight will come back. It may take a while though. Make sure you snack in between meals.
I lost a bulk of my weight with UC, went from 190lbs to 165lbs. After I got my colon removed, I began lifting weights again and eating a lot more. I was able to stay at about 180 through the last 2 surgeries. It definately helps to work out because working out means you will want to eat more which equals gaining weight. I'm never hungry when I don't work out, so working out all the time helps keep on the weight. I'm 4 weeks post takedown and I've already gained about 3lbs. I'm pretty sure you're going to gain the weight back... and then you'll probably be writing "how do I lose this extra weight?" Be patient, you'll get there.
Eat 5 meals a day, maybe even 6. I am not saying snack for meals 4,5,6. I am saying eat 5 proper meals a day. So for me, when I was clinically dramatically underweight my doctor had me have a meal at 8AM, 10:30AM, 1PM, 4PM, 7PM, and then in the middle of the night when you get up to use the toilet.

Focus on protein with every meal. It must be the main ingredient of every of the 5-6 meals.

Ask your doctor about a prescription supplement called Peptamen prebio. It tastes completely disgusting but it really helps. Close your eyes, hold your nose, and chug the can. If your insurance does not cover it and your doctor can write you a prescription I have a contact to get you enough samples for a few months. (thank you Dr.Shen at CC!)

good luck
You need to get into the habit of eating, eating a bit more, and then some more! You do get rather fed up of medics telling you to eat "little and often" but they're right. I went into hospital weighing 9 stone, and came out weighing only 6. And ever since my pouch, by weight fluctuates massively in the course of day. I imagine that's because as j-pouchers our output is much more liquid (and we're going more frequently), but I can easily gain/lose up to around 6 pounds in a day and feel just fine.
I agree with comment above regarding olive oil'ed pastas, nuts, nut butters, etc.

In addition, Odwalla makes protein/fruit shakes that are around 300 calories but only 12 ounces. They can generally be found in the refrigerated "health food" section and the ones I've tried so far taste pretty good.

There are also "weight gainers" on body building sites. I'm pretty sure they are just high density protein/calorie mixes kind of like normal protein shakes. I can't say how they taste as I've never tried them. The one I found quickly was like 1250 calories for two scoops.

I know you want to gain healthy weight, but go enjoy some milk shakes too!

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