last night i had some spicy salsa. Silly me.
all night my butt was on fire! i may as well have sat on a platter of chiles
Well, it burned so bad that..... I COULDN'T POOP! Poop tried to come out, then ouch! burn!, it "slithered" itself back in. It almost felt like i was very strictured and had to strain. i sat in the bath, which helped. but no matter how much i needed to poop, my brain did not let the fire-hot-acid stool pass through my anus. a reflex because of the pain, maybe?
has this happened to anyone? the butt burn was so bad, that you couldn't poop?
or do you think it is another problem entirely? like stricture again? UGH.
thank you!
j-pouch: 3 months
all night my butt was on fire! i may as well have sat on a platter of chiles
Well, it burned so bad that..... I COULDN'T POOP! Poop tried to come out, then ouch! burn!, it "slithered" itself back in. It almost felt like i was very strictured and had to strain. i sat in the bath, which helped. but no matter how much i needed to poop, my brain did not let the fire-hot-acid stool pass through my anus. a reflex because of the pain, maybe?
has this happened to anyone? the butt burn was so bad, that you couldn't poop?
or do you think it is another problem entirely? like stricture again? UGH.
thank you!
j-pouch: 3 months