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I dealt with a stricture at the anastomosis site about four weeks after takedown. I went to my surgeon and he did a digital dilation on me in the office. It was quick but holy crap did that hurt. Some people ask to be sedated. I didn't bother asking because I just wanted it done quickly and then drive home. I had to repeat this about 5 times before the scar tissue stopped forming. Each time I went it was less painful. I felt so much better once it was taken care of.
I am actually going to the hospital tomorrow to get a dialation. I have been through a lot of those and they tell me, that it is different from person to person. Some have just one or two dialations, others - like me - have to have a lot. The first ones I was not sedated - now I always get sedated because it just hurts to much.
Good luck with it. I hope you just need it one time Smiler
I have had to get dilated. The first time around he just used his finger which was not bad. The second time around he pulled out this metal tool that looks like something you would purchase at Playtime Boutique. That thing hurt like hell and I told him from then on if he needed to do anything like that again he better knock me out because that is just barbaric. I ended up having to get 2 more but both those times under anesthesia which is the way to go. Not sure why people try and tough it out when there is an option for you to be knocked out through the procedure and not feel the pain at all. Of course you get the after effects but nobody should have to have something like that done wide awake. Don't let your dr tell you that you dont have an option either because you do. Oh after the second time around him doing it with his little metal tool he wrote me out a script to go to the supply store to get one for myself so I could self dilate ha ha you could imagine how that conversation went and how many pieces that script ended up in the garbage. Good Luck.

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