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I have had no leakage during sex and I have had a lot of sex. However I have had to get up and go to bathroom during sex. Not very often though.
Spunkycat, I love your attitude and agree wholeheartedly. Take some risks and get the most out of your life while you can. Personally, I think you will be fine. how many of us make it to mid life without some baggage in tow? If your new fella is worth his salt, he will not even blink when you tell your tale, other than to marvel at how well you have done. As for those intimate moments, I just empty my pouch prior to activity and I am good.
I totally agree with Jan. And especially with taking a moment to empty the pouch right before. Just seems like the old days when women would excuse themselves to put on some birth control. Also, maybe have a washcloth discreetly close by just in case.
Spunky Cat,
Welcome aboard...this is a wonderful ship and we are a very welcoming crew!
I have a k pouch (same as the j pouch but with an abdominal stoma outlet with a 1 way anti-reflux valve).
I've been pretty much sick my whole life and have had more surgeries than you have fingers and toes...the scars to match and a ton of physical and mental damage to go right along with it all.
I have dealt with dating in puberty, adolecence, young adulthood and pre-menopause.
There is no easy age, no better time and no rules.
My first hubby married me between steps 2 and 3 of my k pouch construction...not easy, I wore a diaper over my abdomen, leaked full out all the contents and was terrified of wearing a white wedding dress (we won't mention the wedding night jitters!)
Hubby #2 met me at 28, dated (without sex) for 3 months and then changed his mind. We split up for 10 yrs and then tried it again at 38 (for me, 52 for him).
My pouch quickly fell apart that year and I went through a rollercoaster of surgeries (13 in all over 10 yrs) that left me shattered, battered and broken.
I got married in the middle of it all, managed to have a reasonably successful sex life and hit menopause all simultaneously.
The guys don't care. They couldn't care less about the scars, lumps, bumps and leaks. They care about laughter, smiles, giggles and joy. They take their leads from us. If we blow off the leaks and smelly stuff they do too (just hand the man a beer or steak, he will be fine).
Congratulations for having the courage to get out there again and managing to hook a good have what it takes so don't waste it worrying about leakage. Empty out your pouch, eat light beforehand and enjoy...there is a lot to be said for a little preparation at our age! Even healthy women worry so I don't see the difference.
Tell him your tale, wear some nice lingerie if you are worried about showing your scars and try sex in the shower or tub...
Have fun