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Just took an Elavil last night, and woke up barely able to walk, talk, type, etc. I think that it was a interaction with Librax but not sure. I'm still not myself and am having trouble talking as well. I'm pretty sure that it was an interaction between drugs, however, wonder if this effect will continue. Don't even dare driving today until it wears off.
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I thought that it was an interaction - WOW, I could barely see! The doctor told me to cut the pill in half and to not take the Librax, which I shouldn't have done anyway.

I'm taking it for IPS - have been under a tremendous amount of stress due to the fact that my husband had been ill for so long and he passed away last week, so triple the stress. I just hope that this pill works since the Librax is doing nothing for me.

Thanks so much for your reply.
so sorry for your loss.

I have been on elavil for years but now at a very low dose (15 mg) Originally I was on 75 mg and it did help my anxiety, not sure how much it ever helped my IPS. Some of the morning grogginess improves, some lags. I think it's a question of figuring out the dose that works for you (in addition to the interaction issues).

Good luck,
I am so sorry for your loss. I know the past months were difficult.

I am taking amytriptline for my migraine headaches, IPS and depression. It's an antidepressant. As I was increasing the dose of it I was decreasing off of the other antidepressant I was on. I think you better take the medication as prescribed. I have had great results with it at 100 MG. No more headaches. Between the change plus by increasing my VSL#3 from one to two sachets a day my j-pouch function has improved. It was about time as my j-pouch function needed to improve.

I quit taking the daily former medication for migraines and went off of an antidepressant I was taking. Anytime I can get one medication to cover 2 problems is great! The the added benefit for my j-pouch has me thinking this is a wonder drug, for me.

I hope you health improves and you are feeling better soon. I wish there was something I could say to help you with your grief. Just know there are people here that feel for you.
Thanks to all. My plan is to cut the pill in half tonight and if I feel okay in the morning, perhaps increase it to the 75mg in a few days once my body gets used to it. As I said before, I think that it was the drug interaction that made me loopy. I'm finding today that the pains that I had been having were much less than they were before. I know that the pains and cramps are definitely caused by stress, and because I'm so very stressed at the moment, anything can set if off. Hopefully I can stop the Librax and continue on with this medication since the Librax was doing nothing for me. Just as well, since Librax is not covered and it would be an out of pocket expense.
It took me 10 weeks to get my dose of it to 100 MG. The last 4 weeks I decreased my antidepressant medication 10 MG each week until I was off of it when I got to 100MG. I also had to go off of the migraine medication too so this may be why my Mayo neurologist had me increasing so slowly. My Psychiatrist just increase the dose up from 100MG in one big jump up to 150MG so I don't think your doctor was wrong by giving you a stronger dose at once. Please don't think that I am criticising her/him or you.

I just sent you an email.

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