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You probably won't notice much, even if it's working exactly as it's supposed to. VSL works best at preventing pouchitis, and you probably wouldn't notice that. If you already have pouchitis (and you haven't said anything that makes it sound that way) then VSL alone wouldn't be likely to fully clear it up. It also seems to help me keep pouchitis under control, but in my case it has to be combined with continuous antibiotics.

I'd still try it if I were in your shoes, at least if your insurance covers the DS (double strength) prescription-only form. One or two DS packets daily is usually sufficient. Some people don't tolerate it well, but I've been taking 4 packets daily for a long time.
Thanks Scott & Dawn,
I can't get it on prescription here & it's expensive, my GI says not to bother but then I feel more informed than him. You think 1 sachet normal strength will be of any benefit in keeping pouchitis at bay?
I take Plantago Ovata (same as Metamucil) at 3.5g doses x 3 per day which is about the same as a tablespoon, it helps greatly but not with the night time visits. You're doing really well at 3-6 visits, I hope to be like you soon`. Continue being well.
Hi Paul
I just dropped by for a visit ... I am 8yrs post TD. My experience ...loperamide made no noticable difference ... codiene works...metamucil as recommended Dawn works. I still take one 30mg codiene before bed and get up once for BM. Snacking at night contributes to more bedtime interuption.
I used VSL3 several years and am convinced it helped, then one day decided to stop .... several years later do not see need to resume.

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