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Ross, Sharon and Rachel I tried the half of a peeled apple in my smoothy It gave me a little problem but it was ok. I will have it again. I guess I have to gradually add foods to my diet. Eating most things that are cooked seems to agree with me better. Sharon I tried the lentil soup with onions, carrots, celery, garlic and a little tomato sauce after soaking the lentils with tsp of baking soda overnight like you said. It also gave me a little problem I should have had a smaller portion but I will also try it again. I haven't tried the lentil pancakes yet. I will let you know when I do. Thanks for all the advice. Sharon and Rachel I hope you are feeling better and Ross keep up the good work I am glad that you found a way to help yourself. Stay well Grace
Lentils make me gassy, but I tolerate red lentils better than green/brown/yellow ones. Apples do, too, but I did FODMAP and they're a trigger food for me. A slice or two is ok, though, peeled.

Yeah, it's definitely trial and error. Also, try small portions of the offenders within a meal that doesn't bother you to see if that helps. Gassiness never bothers me, because I like that blast to help clear the pouch, lol.
Rachel, wow! You are awesome!

Without the blast you know that you aren't through. But, truthfully, it's when I can relax as if I had succeed in something, relax into other things... pouch cleared = mind cleared.

Truthfully, I don't know why I suddenly started tolerating apples a few years back and use them to remove digestive problems when they used to cause horrible problems...

It's not so much about bearing burdens; although it is disconcerting for me, it seems that there are certain things we must not physically understand, as if it is part of each and everyone's personal, private lesson in life. Granted, that doesn't mean we won't or can't understand. It's that we can't know what we will or will not know... So, I keep plugging on... get tired... put the books aside... worry less about certain AGEs etc, go a few days not eating a balanced, more healthy diet, although staying away from the basic problem causes...

At the very least, hopefully we get to that somewhere a little bit in a better position than we would have been if we hadn't intentionally evolved ourselves...

Actually, rereading that last comment, I feel that the situation with J-Pouchers is a bit more urgent than just taking it easy with destiny/existentialism etc... Truthfully, we MUST encounter easier comfort... and responses/solutions to our concerns... This truly isn't an armchair situation...

And you just witnessed my very own arguing with myself.


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