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Yes, I can vouch for ilex paste.
By far the best product to completely heal sore, raw, broken, inflamed and weeping skin around the Stoma.
I used it and within 3 days there was a vast improvement, within 5 days or there abouts, the skin around my Stoma had completely healed.
I still use it as a preventative measure as I don't wish to endure the agony of bile acid eroding my skin ever again...... My only worry now is butt burn after takedown, although I believe and pray (figure of speech) that ilex paste is just as effective for that too.
I had my reservations too in regard to adhesion but it adheres and seals very well.
I use a Salts Stoma collar which fits over the Stoma; prior to fitting the collar, I apply a thick bead of ilex paste around the inner edge of the collar then I fit the collar over my Stoma, I hold in position for a few seconds then apply the wafer of a two piece ostomy appliance.
Prior to applying the Stoma collar and once the skin around the Stoma is clean and dry, I also apply the Cavilon barrier solution from a pump spray dispenser, which in my opinion, is much easier to apply than the powders.,-Spray-.html
The ilex paste will seal and adhere securely to your skin and ostomy appliance; has done for me during the last 5 months and without issues.
When I apply the paste to the Stoma collar and I fit the collar over my Stoma, the paste is still sticky and gooey.
Once I've cleaned the skin around my stoma, I apply the barriers spray, allow it to dry then apply the paste.
I wouldn't attempt to use a wipe over the ilex paste once applied, just fit your ostomy appliance on top of it or apply the paste around the opening to your appliance first and fit it over your Stoma.