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For about 3 days now I have been experiencing a sharp pain in the lower left of my abdomen, near hip socket. It hurts most when I feel the urge to empty my pouch and when emptying. At first I thought this might be an injury from shoveling heavy snow but now I am seeing a pattern. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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This might have nothing to do with you, and it very well could be something more serious, but I have a REALLY tight IT band on the left, and when it's raging at me, I get this sort of "hip" pain that even makes going to the bathroom painful, since I have to do more pushing to go than an average person, I suppose.

I also had to resort to birth control, because ovulation would KILL me on that side, too, and cause referred hip pain/IT band pain there, too, that worsened during that time and made emptying the pouch horrid.

I've been to PT for it, and do know some stretches, but it stays pretty tight, and that's the cause of *my* sort of "hip pain" on that side. Been going on for a few years now. And my pancreas numbers were fine.

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