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I have not gotten the J-Pouch yet, I still have an ileostomy. the past 3 days I have had a lot of pressure in my rectum like I would need to have a BM. And I do have some mucus discharge as I have had since surgery, but never felt like this before. The pressure is almost on the same level as it felt when I had UC and needed to rush to the restroom. So I go sit on the toilet about every hour to relieve this. But this pressure has also made having sex impossible, it hurts very badly. I have tried searching for answers to what may be causing this....but I don't know if I should just wait it out or go to the doctor... Has anyone else had this?
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A very long time ago when they created my k pouch and left the colon in, I had the same problem...any time that the colon is left in place it wants to do its job, contract and empty out. I felt like it wanted to push itself out along with the (very foul smelling) mucus.
That lasted until they removed it but I still have pressure and the occasional pain along with an uncomfortable feeling.
Things should straiten out once the j pouch is created. You will be hooked up and have 'normal' function so that should help.
As your doc about antispasmodics to reduce the pain & pressure.
I do not know of anything (other than anti-depressers) that helps.

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