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Hey everyone,

I just had a scope yesterday, first one since my takedown 3 months ago.
My surgeon said I may need stretchin out, possibly due to a stricture and some issues I was having. Now, the following day, I'm still finding myself having to strain to have a bowel movement. Clearly any stricture there may have been should have been dealt with. But the straining I'm still experiencing has left me stumped on what it could be caused by. Any opinions? Is it possible my diet is affecting the ability to have an easy BM? I haven't had my Metamucil in a few days, could that also effect the ability to have a nice easy bowel movement?

Also, could a lack of water intake cause for harder movements?

Thank you in advance!
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I'm on Humira now, and did a Medrol taper recently, but prior, every dilation after a point would make the stricture better, but would cause me "swelling" that would take 1-2 weeks to settle down.

No lie.

Often, a hot/warm Sitz bath would relax me enough to pass stool. I know, sounds weird, but I'd just pass it in the Sitz and dump it out/clean up.

The last dilation, the Medrol put me in order in 2 days.

Not saying these are your issues, but it was mine.

I also prefer looser stools, and sometimes take magnesium tabs, which pull water into the bowel. If very miserable, I'll take a 1/2 dose of MOM at night.
HI all I have been going thru the same thing. I would rather go loose than strain. When I start straining that is when I have problems. I have been thru dilations but it doesn't solve my problem any moor. I was taking Mirolox but my gastro wants me to try Milk of Magnesia I haven't started it yet but I will let you know if it helps. I do try to drink water all day long which also helps. From going thru all those bathroom trips for the first few years after my surgery. I did take lomotil at that time but now I have stopped because of feeling constipated. As far as eating I try not to eat anything after 7 pm because I often get the urges to go in the middle of the night. I do watch every thing I eat. I kind of know what bothers me and what doesn't I am going to try eating the peanut butter as most of you have suggested and see if that helps. Thru the years I have tried every thing to try and help myself and thanks to all for suggestions you give. I do always ask my gastro with things that help you hoping it will help me so I thank all of you for that. Be healthy Grace
I don't think self cathedarization is going to be an option for me. I dread anything having to do with insertion in the bottom. Anytime it's possible for my exams I ask for sedation lol

I'm thinking it has to do with my pouchoscopy, maybe something has swollen or become irritated, causing me to strain. I will call my surgeons office Monday for an opinion. Again this has only started since the exam on Thursday.
Mainly injury.
And with my luck.... Ya.. I would injure myself. It works itself out eventually.
Now your Dr... Surgeon may let you do it.
And like said above in another post .. I would rather have diarrhea.. Easy to pass and I have no butt burn or anything like that.
I quit lomotal... Makes it too firm and hard to come out.
I eat a banana and an apple every day and that works fine.
And they are not drugs and add some elements you need in your diet.
I would say most of of have this issue due to how are intestines are fitted. I would definitely try a couple things before getting stressed out that something is really wrong. I have always strained when I was in the bathroom because for the amount of trips we have to take now we all want to get the hell out of there as quick as possible because it takes enough of our time up. Try relaxing while you are in there and don't make it an urgency to try and get out of there as quick as possible because you will only end up back in there more frustrated. When i sit in there and relax and do something on my phone and stop focusing on trying to push everything out as fast as possible it seems it starts to come out on its own a lot easier. There is still gonna be a little strain due to out system upgrade but you shouldn't be straining where you feel you are popping blood vessels in your eyes. Also try switching positions throughout the process I realized sometimes things wont come out when I'm sitting one way but when I switch things up I get lucky sometimes. Even lifting yourself off the toilet for a minute and hovering then sitting back down could help. You might want to continue the Metamucil if it was helping at all if not it's pointless. I have also tried stool softeners when I felt really blocked up that have helped. Diet plays a huge role try taking a day and switching what you normally eat and take out the things that would bind you up or limit things like pasta for example. You should also try drinking alot of water or fluids while you are eating to make your food a little more mushy while its going down. I also agree on taking a warm/hot bath it has helped me numerous times to get things moving. Good Luck and don't give up you will find your solution somewhere just might be different for you then someone else.
Good advice in the above reply.
I am still straining. I went to my surgeon and she said there is nothing blocking it and that I am wide open. She checked me digitally. She said to push... Squeeze... Push squeeze.... And she mentioned diet and water. I do find now in the winter months I drink less.. Less THIRSTY.... but you have to put water at the top of the list. Very top. After that it's all experimenting with foods. I am a year out and still do not have it ALL figured out. I know some of the things that make me strain... Only because they or the meal made things too thick and I am not drinking enough.
I know where you are coming from. It is stressful when you have to strain. But my surgeon said if you strain it just closes it off... A certain muscle? Jan? I don't retain info. But it closes it off and prevents you from emptying your pouch. And I certainly do feel that happening almost every time.
Hope I helped. I need to get on the right track myself.
Oh... Prune juice... Drink some if you are straining to loosen it up. I would rather have diarrhea than strain to get these marbles out! LOL!
I was told and mentioned in other posts that I could not because my surgeon said no. Well... The last time I went in... Three weeks ago I think... Maybe two. Memory is shot. She said I could either..... Catheter or enema. Whew. I have not tried either yet. I have no problem getting rid of anything this morning. But I will be doing it in the future.
The reason she said I could do it now is that she felt confident I would not damage anything as everything is healed so well. I waited till my surgeon said it was OK before I did it.

I am about 3 1/2 months after takedown and went straight from too many bm's being out on cipro and that constipating me and having the issue you guys have talked about with the pebble like bm's. I did some reading and thought I would try the Metamucil. I started using twice a day and have now moved to using three times a day with meals and it has helped tremendously.

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