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I'm not sure if I have asked this before but I was just wondering how its all diagnosed...ive got ulcerative colitis or so I have always been told, and currently have an ileostomy, but I have only ever had a sigmoidoscopy done, no endoscopy, nothing other than the end of the large intestine has ever been looked at, biopsies have been taken from there though.

Anyway I just wanted to know how everyone else has been disgnosed and is it possible to diagnose UC without checking the small intestine upwards to rule out chrons?

Thanks for listening xxx
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My daughter had the full colonoscopy thru to the ileo-cecal valve. She only has "colitis" but indeterminate leaning towards Crohn's related to "skip" lesions. UC starts out and spreads uniformly thru the large bowel and does not "skip" around. She also had a CT enterography to look at the whole top to bottom and thru the small bowel.

In 1982-3 when I was dx, I don't remember a full on colonoscopy, but I just may be forgetting. Definitely many flex sigs. I did do a barium swallow. However the year before my surgery, I had a full colonoscopy. They always said UC, and at the end, I had pancolitis, uncontrolled by the meds of the time, so out the colon came.

When I was 9, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, and my Colon was removed, and I have a J-Pouch. Just last year, when I turned 29, it was discovered that I have fistulas, so now I am diagnosed with Crohn's- as Colitis only affects the large intestine, and Crohn's can affect the entire digestive tract. That is my understanding of the main difference...

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