My name is Kyle and this is my first time posting.
I am 21 years old and was first diagnosed with UC in 2008. After that point i virtually tried every medicine without any longterm success. i would see positive results for around a month and then right back to how i was before. it got to the point where i finally listened to my doctors and got my first surgery in 2012. After getting the temporary ostomy, i immediately hated it and struggled with my health. i was constantly in the hospital with blockages and a problem with my intestines being twisted up. so i was forced into a reversal surgery after 5 weeks, which was alot sooner than expected. After an infection during surgery, everything seemed to go well and i was up and literally running withing the next two to three months. then around January, i started showing signs of pouchitis and still to this day struggle with it.
After trying virtually every medicine without success, my doctor suggested that i look into getting rid of my j pouch. Initially i refused to listen to this and tried to stay on the failing medicine as a last ditch measure/panic move. Currently, i have been seriously considering getting rid of the j pouch, but i am honestly terrified of getting another surgery/not being able to do things that i was able to do before.
First off, i was wondering what the new surgery involved scar wise. I know what the surgery does internally, however, i was not sure if it would involve creating another 8inch cut down my abdominal area and another ostomy site.
Secondly, how long would the recovery for this be? i would like to know how long the hospital stay would be and how long the recovery period at home would be and what would be involved with that.
Third, i was wondering if i would still be able to continue playing sports, going out with friends, and everything else normal people my age do.
My last question of the night is if you were all generally glad with the surgery decision.
IF its possible, i would love to hear from other people about their experiences and answers to my questions.
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