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I will be moving south - somewhere. I'm tired of the cold, the rain, and the snow. I am thinking about the gulf coast or the south west. I've had my j-pouch for about 13 years now, and quite honestly, the heat or the heat and humidity, scare me a little. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to handle the heat and a j-pouch? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Most of us can stay hydrated just fine with water, on hot days and with serious physical activity. Some of us are prone to dehydration, though, and may need something like pedialyte, oral rehydration solution, or (dare I say it?) Gatorade when we're swetaing a lot. I'd recommend finding out how to keep yourself hydrated over avoiding the weather, at least if hydration concern is what's keeping you inside.
I live in drought stricken southern Califoria. It's humid during the monsoon season, and dry during Santa Ana winds. Snow and mountains are 1 hour away and the beach is 15 min. I don't think I have ever been "diagnosed" dehydrated.

I used to never sweat, but when I had my ostomy, I dropped buckets of sweat (when gardening) to where I looked like I just got out of the shower, and it would cause my ostomy bag to slip off. Now that I have my pouch and go to the bathroom less frequently, I am doing just fine.

Some days I seem more thirsty than others and I just drink more water.

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