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I put my Marlen 30 Fr. in all by myself. When I took out the 28Fr. Bard Red Rubber, I noticed the pointed tip was broken off and not smooth. So I am wondering if that was glued on or what, the edges were rough where it came off. The sore on my stoma is healing too. So I am wondering, am I allergic to latex, as this was very painful to have this rubber catheter in and I've never had a sore on my stoma before, it looked like a canker sore. Now that spot is feeling too. So did I have a flare or am I allergic to latex?
I was shocked the tip came off of the latex Bard, but it fell out once and I crammed it back in as I didn't want to go back to Mayo. It's not unusual for my body to push out the catheter, while I'm filling my syringe with water to clean out my pouch or tie on a new clean gauze strip to tie it in place so it doesn't fall out.
It feels so much better with my Marlen 30Fr. in, unbelievable! So now I wait until around Christmas to let all the trauma heal. I have to admit it is emptying so much easier and better with my Marlen in. There are bigger holes, as the 28 Fr. Bard Red Rubber had 2 smaller holes and is a catheter for urine.
Feeling better, getting used to having in a catheter at all times. I may just decide to stay this way. I don't have adhesion trouble and my valve is still continent, so I don't know that I want to take the chance of ending up with those issues.
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I lived with a tube always inserted for 3 months. I have wondered if it would be possible to have a small tube always in that we can cap where the stoma is and just insert a tube over it when we need to empty the pouch. It would be great to know you can always empty your pouch easily whenever you want. The fear of not being able to insert the catheter or having to go to extreme measures to get it in is a pain to live with.
I have had my catheter in February 2014, then took it out and that is the first time leaving my catheter in for 3 weeks didn't work for inserting my catheter. So I've still got my catheter in and I will probably just keep this way. I cut it down so I can have it long enough to empty and push it in flush and cap it off. I am using my 30 Fr. valve in longer than it used to be probably from the stricture. So I have to have it in for the length of my valve and then about 4-5 inches more to pull out to empty without the catheter going past the end of the valve. That is how I am living with my Kock Pouch now and have to decided to stay this way. My valve still doesn't leak, so I'm not taking a chance on losing my Kock Pouch or ending up with a valve that leaks. Now my main concern is replacing the catheter from time to time and hoping I can get it in on my own. So my catheter has been in for approximately 9 months now. The Marlen 30Fr. catheter gets very hard beyond the valve, and I mean hard! I don't know if anyone else is doing this method or not, but I am because I am allergic to adhesive and will not have a Brooke Ileostomy because I have PTSD from harassment in my x workplace for having an ostomy. They thought I had a Brooke and said terrible things to me for 10 years, to the point that I had a nervous breakdown and am now disabled from harassment, discrimination and then retaliation. I did file charges, but I lost and was up against an International Corporation that is known for bad treatment of their employees. I am proud that I fought them for what was done to me and illegal actions should not be allowed by company or co-workers. I will never recover from what they did to me, it was horrendous! I even had a bird with it's head shot off and feathers all over my driveway. I got threatening phone calls from co-workers because they were not able to get back in to work after a medical leave.....and they blamed me. Very traumatic time in my I'm disabled and neighbors are harassing me for being on disability. It's been HELL!!! It appears my x employer doesn't like paying out disability for what they have done to me. Very sad, but this is how big Corporations work.

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