Hello folks
I was hoping people can share their experiences with me regarding having their Jpouch removed.
I am 16 days post op having the pouch removed and the back passage sewn up. I thought I was healing quite well, at least until a few days ago. I started having a dull pain in my pubic region, night sweats and struggled to pee. Has anyone else experienced this? The doctor Sent off a urine sample think I have a urine infection. Obviously, due to the nature of the surgery bladder problems can arise but my surgeon was certain he never touched anything around the bladder.
To top it off, my back passage has started to hurt. The nurse said I have skin folds. Does anyone else have these?
Thank you so much for any advice provided.
Diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 1996
Ileostomy created 2000
Jpouch created 2000
Jpouch made functional 2000
Temp Ileostomy created 2010
Jpouch removal and permanent ileostomy 2014
and I'm only 33
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