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I just wanted to get some input on recovery. I had my takedown on July 15 so it's been almost 4 months. The last time I posted on here I was pretty miserable with gas, spasms, frequency, etc. Well, I have improved tremendously and just last week I was thinking about how great I feel. I still go 8-10 times a day but I would only get up once at night. Well for the past week my frequency has increased. I woke up 4 times last night and have gone at least 10 times today and it's only 4pm here. My stomach is also rumbling extremely loud and gas is bad. Also bowel movements burn and are watery.

I feel like I did a couple months ago. Is going back and forth with recovery normal or does it sound like I have pouchitis? Any thoughts or experience would be helpful.


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Sounds like it could be. It wouldn't hurt to get checked out. I wish I could be more help...I haven't experienced pouchitis (yet) so I don't know what it feels like. I will say though that I have strange days from time to time that things like that happen. It never lasts more than a few days then all returns to normal.
Maybe, maybe not. Those first 6-12 months are definitely a trial by fire! Plus, with no reference point to go by, it is hard to tell the abnormal from the new normal.

But, from 19 years of experience I have learned that pouchitis does not wax and wane. If you have it, it stays and it either simmers or gets worse unless you treat it. Otherwise, it is dietary intolerance, irritable pouch, the fickleness of pouch adaptation or that sort of thing. I would not give it more than 5-7 days before calling the doc about it. But, a couple of days of extreme upset is not out of the ordinary.

Jan Smiler
If I recall correctly, you'll have good days and then take a few steps back. Did you eat a new food? With the rumbling and gas, I would say you might be eating something that just doesn't agree with you (yet).

For me, when things get out of whack, I step back to simpler foods (oatmeal) that I know will not cause me problems.

Hang in there!
I waited about 10 days and didn't see any progress so I called my doctor. They put me on a 10 days coarse of flagyl and I have an appointment on December 8th. I improved a lot with the flagyl but now that I'm off of it the gas seems to have returned. I ate some Halloween candy for a few days prior to feeling bad. I am trying to cut most carbs from my diet starting today and no coffee for at least a week to see if that helps. Maybe bacterial overgrowth? I've eaten mostly carbs since the surgery.

I'm getting frustrated. I just want to feel better! Any suggestions on what to eat that is low carb besides avocado and chicken breast? I know everyone tolerates foods differently but maybe if I have some suggestions I can try it out.
The gas has to come from somewhere - carbonated beverages, swallowed air, or bacterial production. Beano can sometimes help, if it's related to specific suspect foods (beans, broccoli, etc.).

When gas started to give me a lot of trouble a couple of months of doxycycline took care of it. It was most likely bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) in my case.

J-pouchers are a bit more sensitive to gas build-up, since most of us have lost the ability to safely fart off the toilet.
I am also having trouble, and I am at the same point in my recovery. I recently had two good days and just about slept through the night, but today was awful. I've gone about ten times so far, very painful, and alot of gas that is very painful on exit. I have no abdominal pain, it is all extremely low, right at my bottom and it is affecting other things in that area too. sometimes feel like stool is lodging in a pocket inside. It cuts like glass, or burns or itches r both. sucks! I have been trying proctofoam but not sure its helping. I am taking three extra strngth gas x chewables a day and three loperamide. and Metamucil before bed.

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