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Well, my partial obstruction symptoms I had over the weekend have essentially cleared, but I'm continuing to have watery stools and a lot of gurgling. Oddly, I've also been burping a lot. This has been going on over 2 weeks now (though the burping is newer). I have had a couple of almost normal stools scattered in between, but then it's right back to watery. I've also had some bleeding. My GI (who is leaving at the end of the month *sigh*) asked me to call back Friday if things didn't appear to be normalizing. Of course, they haven't normalized, and I spoke to him on the phone this morning. He says he wants to do a scope - this will be my second one in 6 months (the first one was normal). So they managed to squeeze me in for Wednesday. As luck would have it, that's the day I have a major client dinner with work. The scope is at 11:30 am and perhaps I can still make it to the dinner meeting at 5--but this is the ONLY day they can fit me in because of my GI's schedule, and due to the fact that half of endoscopy is on holidays right now.

It never rains but it pours.
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Actually, I can do the scope just fine without meds. I've had 3 where I wasn't sedated. It's just I'm always really gassy/uncomfortable afterwards, and it will be cutting it close getting to where I need to be.

Not to mention, I'm single and my family is overseas until the 30th (well my sister is here but she's 7 months pregnant and lives an hour away) - I'm pretty much all on my own for getting anywhere. I'll try to get a ride to the meeting with a coworker, if possible.
You should be able to make that dinner, paticularly if you forego the sedation. It sounds like you are gurgly/gassy anyway, so maybe it won't matter much.

Can you have a co-worker let the other diners know you may be a little late because of a medical appointment that could not be rescheduled? Most people understand those things. Makes you human.

Good luck!

Jan Smiler

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