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Does or has anyone used VSL after going to an ileostomy?

I am still trying to work out the question of what, if any, probiotic to use. I used VSL when I had a j-pouch, but it is quite expensive and is also a huge dose of probiotics, so I have been hesitant to start buying it again now that my pouch is removed. The others I've tried and/or researched don't seem as good. I've also been told that probiotics aren't necessary once the j-pouch is removed, but that doesn't make sense to me??

Thank you,
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I have had my end ileo for almost three months and am using my prescription VSL3DS again with my end ileo. I dint see how any if these could *hurt*- if there is any debate it would be over how necessary they are. I think the small gut's flora is around 1/100 or ao as dense as that in the colon. The bifidobacteria (which live mostly in the colon) in the VSL probably doesnt survive long in the small gut but nevertheless there are strains in VSL which should, and my philosophy is that after all we've been through, we may as well try and keep healthy flora in the small gut now, especially since I had to have some bouts of antibiotics after my surgery as a result of a temporary incisional infection. I also take some s.boulardi a few times a week. I wont take anything enterically coated now, lest it not dissolve when it hits my stoma.

I don't see any reason to use VSL or any other probiotic. I've had my permanent ileostomy since 2007. I enjoy yogurt once in awhile, but I don't need it. I suffered from pouchitis and fistulas from 1992 to 2007. All that craziness stopped after I got my ileostomy. I just became a healthy person again. You might want to wean yourself off the VSL, but that's the only thing I might do if I had been taken VSL as you have.

Just from my personal experience, my dad has had an ileostomy for 25 years and has never used probiotics. Although his surgery was performed many years ago, he has never used probiotics nor was he ever recommended to. He has had a perfect functioning ileostomy with complete renewed health snd zero GI issues since be removed his diseased colon without ever using probiotics.

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