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I was perusing the forum, looking for information on Humira (of which I found a lot) and I noticed that my situation seems to be more common than I would have expected.

I was diagnosed with UC when I was 14. Had my colon removed at around 30. Never had any signs that I had crohns instead of UC. But, my jpouch has had problems the whole time. It wasn't quite pouchitis - or at least I was never diagnosed with pouchitis. I have had problems with fistulas and, mostly because of that, my doctor thinks I really have crohns.

I've read a bunch of comments from other people describing something very similar to that. I wonder how common it is. I also wonder if, for the people who's UC diagnosis was changed to Crohns, did anything ever help once the new diagnosis was made? (or ever?)

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I just had my colon removed in step 1 of 2 for j-pouch. When the pathology was done of my colon they found Crohn's. This was a huge disappointment to me because I had been prescreened for this durning a fairly recent colonoscopy.

I am curious how others have been treated. Do you wait for symptoms to start or do you start a maintenance program?
I got sick when I was 18, I kept being tested and my results always came back inconclusive, I was told b/c of the severity of my disease they suspected crohns. After a couple years a new test came out (I have no idea what it was other then it was blood work) and much to the surprise it came back ulcerative colitis. I had my jpouch surgery 9.5 years ago. In April I had a cat scan showing inflammation in my small intestine, I'm on a 2week course of flagyl and iron (i'm severely anemic ) and I'm having a scope of my pouch in a month. Drs are thinking crohns after all these years. I've thought I had colitis for 15 years.

Is it possible to have colitis and then develop crohns later? My drs were just so sure I didnt have crohns, my colon was a complete disaster, I almost died and several drs told me they had never seen such a severe case of UC, but my small intestine was always perfect.

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