In just a little over a weeks time, I get my K pouch. As many of you know, I've been waiting since last November. It's being done here in Toronto, at Mount Sinai Hospital by Dr. Zane Cohen. He's the only surgeon in Canada that does K pouches, hence the long wait. Up until a week ago, I was really looking forward to it, and I still am, to some degree, but now, reality is kicking in, and to be honest, it's scaring the crap out of me! (no pun intended!lol!). I'm starting to remember how I felt during my last series of GI surgery over 20 years ago, NOT very happy memories. I know I'm being a total wimp, and this is something I desperately need to get done (been putting it off for years, hoping my j pouch pouchitis would somehow go away). I have complete faith in Dr Cohen and his staff, the fact that I'll be under for 7 hours, and the success rate is 70% is kind of getting on my poor little brain. Did any of you guys get cold feet before hand, and if so, how did you deal with it? I have a pretty good idea of what to expect, I only pray I don't have another abscess. Back in 1990 or so, I had a wicked abscess, which required another surgery to fix. I'm keeping everything crossed with he hopes everything goes smoothly, and I'm sure it will, just wish I could shut my brain off, try as I may, I can't stop thinking about it! Thanks for letting me vent!