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Hi guys,
There was just an article in the French press on probiotics...They have found that both people and animals (chickens and cows were cited) who took probiotics regularly weighed up to 20% more than populations that didn't take them...they mentioned the most popular probiotics that are commonly available in youghurt and youghurt based drinks as well as in pill form.
Just thought that it was interesting.
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i do not buy that study..there could be so many other factors like is everyone eating the exact same foods everyday that is the people they test,how many calories are they taking in and so on....

i do not get direct connection to probiotics.. i take them and manage my weight fine its because i am careful of what i eat.. if i eat certain things i will gain weight.. if i don`t i will not..i need to avoid sugars(sweets) and bread mostly...and i have to increase my protein intake and lower my starchy carbs..and watch the bad fats..and exercise..and it gets tougher as one ages..but overall that protocol seems to married son takes probiotics all the time due to a bad candida he once had and he is thin as a rail actually..

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