I don't think Husky was saying people didn't get questions answered on here, he's just saying it seems people are let out after their surgeries without a GI/surgeon telling them anything other than medication schedules and take it slow.
Maybe my response was unclear. I wasn't saying that Husky said people didn't or shouldn't get answers here. I was trying to let Minnie know that it's perfectly fine to ask questions even
if she has gotten information from her medical team. Sometimes new members - especially those who have just had surgery and aren't having the desired effect - come for reassurance. I was trying to be reassuring. If you reread my post without attaching any negativity (because I certainly didn't mean to be negative) to it, I think you might see it in a different light. What Marianne said is so true - it's sometimes very difficult to understand what tone people have in a written post.
I never said anyone did not get their questions answered from this board as opposed to their doctors and have no idea where that came from.
I never said that either. I've reread my post and I'm not sure what I wrote that indicates that. Could you please point that out so that I can correct it? Thank you. I really have no agenda - absurd or otherwise. As has been pointed out repeatedly by longtime members here, Fredbird is not an agenda. He's a real live troll. And he's a very unbalanced mentally disturbed troll. That has been mentioned by numerous people other than myself.
I have had dozens of posters here send me PMs and such thanking me for my posts and helping them
I have been one of those people who have thanked you for the advice you give. I have also referred people to you when they're having difficulty with something that you've experienced. I've mentioned that before and you accused me of lying. I provided a link to posts yet you never acknowledged that nor apologized for harsh words.
Hater's gunna hate.
No hate going on here from this side. I apparently have said something that Husky is taking the wrong way. But I always try to be respectful with my responses. I always try not to resort to name-calling or labeling. That's not always the case when Husky responds to me.
To get back on track - Minnie has had and continues to have more complications than most. Again, I think it's very important to treat the newly pouched with as much kindness and care as we can. In the past there have been new pouchers who've gotten responses from other posters in which they haven't been as empathetic as they could have been (or so it seemed in the responses). This caused distress to some of the more fragile posters. Some even left because they felt that some of the people responding were upset with their questions or demeanor. This surgery can knock the wind out of even the strongest person. And some get to also 'have' a nice case of PTSD. Sometimes we don't know the whole back-story of a person's hospitalization or state of mind.
Minnie - hopefully all of this will not dissuade you from posting and asking questions. The people here are fantastic and there's always someone to lend a helping ear....