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So I had my Gastrografin Enema and all looked good.
I had a follow up CT scan bc of some cramping. Looked good as well. I have a Flexible Sigmoidorphy(something like that lol) scheduled for the 26th bc the surg wants to make sure it is all good and then my take down is schedule for july 3rd!! I am so excited I know it will be hard at first but any advice, things I should know. plan for? Thanks everyone!!
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Hi and welcome!

I can share my takdown experience with you. I was so nervous about it but it turned out to be very uneventful thank goodness. 30 minutes in the OR and just a 4 day hospital stay. It would have been shorter but my bladder of all things didn't want to wake up so they had to put a catheter in me. My bowels woke up right away...go figure!

Just be prepared for it to be a bit crazy for a few weeks. Maybe it won't be...but just know it could be. You will have a lot of gas which will be a bit uncomfortable but it usually passes relaltively quickly. Once you can eat, eat small meals and easy to digest foods at first. You will know when you can get more adventurous with your diet.

Bring soft TP to the hospital (hospital TP
Is like sandpaper) and some Calmopseptine ointment just in case you get some butt burn.

I see you are in NJ. Where is your surgery at?

Good luck and let us know how you are! Smiler
Last edited by mgmt10
I had my take down on 7-3. All went well I have an open wound where my stoma once was. (I almost miss seeing it there.) I was on liquids until today then regular diet and I came home. Now that I am home and eating the butt burn has really kicked in and holy hell it hurts. I didnt know it would feel like a burning burning a bm I thought it was more of a rash afterwords. but this sucks either way. I am trying to stay positive. just uncomfortable. I didnt wake up last night to bm however I may tonight as I have been eating so much all day. It literally flys out of me when i am eating so I feel like nothing is staying in long enough to help me be full(Sorry if TMI) It took me so long to adjust to my ileo and one I did all was fine and I was me again, Now I feel like I took a big step backwards. Does butt burn last forever? Any advice on how to help it calm down? thanks guys and yes I love this site also
Sorry about the butt burn--it can be shocking. It does suck but will not last forever. Try coating the entire "area" with a skin barrier. I like Nupercainal. Lots of people use Calmoseptine, but I had too much irritation with it. A squirt bottle of water to rinse off that tender area is a life savior.
I bought a Toto bidet (it was an anniversary gift from my husbandSmiler). Not cheap but worth every penny. Good luck and congratulations on moving on!

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